[Gasification] Gasification Digests

James Joyce james at jamesjoyce.com.au
Sat Jan 1 13:42:29 CST 2011

Am I the only one getting the "daily" digests every 2-3 messages ?

On Friday I receevd 12 "daily" digests from the list.

Great dose of reality coming through from Doug, Bill, Thomas, Bruce et

Will the call to commercial reality be headed ? Unfortunately it is
unlikely, but it has to be said none the less. 

I started in this "game" in 1998 as a mature age PhD student who had
enough of the daily grind in industry. Unfortunatley I got the bug and
in 2008 I eventually succumbed to thoughts of doing my own
commercialisation exercise. I have tried to take what I have read on
this list and what I have seen working/ not working in the sugar, coal
and bioenergy industries to learn from the mistakes and exagerations of
the past. Our emphasis from day one has been to get the materials
handling working first and the "gasification" second. The result is we
focussed on developing a mobile moving bed updraft gasifier, which
really does hark back to the commercial past of gasification. Not sexy,
and certainly not tar free gas, but it sure chews through a wide varitey
of feedstocks and provides enough of a "paradigm shift" to provide other
ways to deal with the gas, char and tar products.

As of 2010 things look quite positive for us commercially. Howeer there
is still a long way to go and only time will tell whether we have
avoided the traps that have befallen so many others.



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