[Gasification] one question about the mass franction of carbon in the final solid residu at the outlet of a gasification plant

Li CHEN chen at sol3d.com
Tue Jan 11 10:14:28 CST 2011

Hi all,

I recently find that the french law requires that the mass fraction of 
unburned carbon that found in the final solid residu coming from a waste 
gasifier should be less than 3%. If I take wood with a ash content of 
1%m as example:

At the inlet of gasifier: 1000 g wood contains about 500 g C and 10 g ash.
At the outlet of gasifier: 10 g ash is assumed remained in solid, and if 
C% must be < 3% , --> only 0.3g carbon is allowed in solid.

This law is not applied to the gasifier treating propre wood and 
agricole wastes. Even though, this law suprised me a lot. With a single 
gasifier, it is possible to gasify all the carbon contained in the 
initial wastes? or in the case of waste, a post combustor should be used 
in order to meet this requirement.....

Anyway, I'd like to know does everybody have the information of  
currently running commercial plants or demontrators about

1. what is the mass fraction of carbon in the solid  (NOT the ratio 
between C in the solid residu and C in the initial biomass)?
2. What is the feedstocks
3. Does this plant use a post combustor in order to burn the solid 
residu? (but in this case, it means that ash should entre in the post 
combustor too?)

I will be appreciated if some of you participe this discussion.

Kind regards,

Li Chen

Responsable gazéification

S3d - Solutions Déchets&  Développement Durable
9 rue Alfred Kastler
CS 60744
44307 Nantes Cedex 3

Tel. : +33(0)2 51 13 54 54
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