[Gasification] DIY GtL

Kevin kchisholm at ca.inter.net
Mon Jan 31 06:50:49 CST 2011

Dear Dr. Karve
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Anand Karve 
  To: Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification 
  Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 7:49 AM
  Subject: Re: [Gasification] DIY GtL

  Dear all,
  tar is a valuable byproduct. Villagers buy it from a hardware shop at about US$1 per kg. So, we would prefer not to burn it. 

  # What do they use the tar for? What kinds of "tars" can tehy use, and for what purposes? Mpre specifically...
  1: Can they use the "blackwater" from gas scrubbing?
  2: Do they perhaps only use "whole tar" as would, for example, be produced by trapping tars from a charcoal retort?
  3: Do they perhaps only use a selected fraction of the "tar"

  # Your comments wil be very helpful.


  Kevin Chisholm


  On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 8:46 AM, Thomas Reed <tombreed2010 at gmail.com> wrote:

    Dear Doug, Brian and all

    To what extent can you clean today's gas by passing it (cooled to about 150 C) through a barrel of tomorrows REASONABLY DRY  fuel, thus permitting you to burn all the tars AND finish drying the fuel?

    While a moisture content less than 20% is desirable for gasifier fuel, I suspect it should not be bone dry for long runs because it becomes autopyrolytic and won't retain a level pyrolysis zone.


    Tom Reed

    Dr Thomas B Reed 
    President, The Biomass Energy Foundation

    On Jan 30, 2011, at 9:06 AM, Brian D Paasch <brian at indianarenewables.com> wrote:

      On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:10 PM, doug.williams wrote:

        To finger the problem of using industrial scale producer gas, is that most large systems are not tar free, and if you need to compress the gas, technical challenges come thick and fast.


      Oh goodness yes! We've not been willing to TOUCH the compression challenges until we got our gas pretty darn clean. I'm cautiously optimistic with where we are at on that task:


      And right now we're planning on three separate compression steps with additional filters between each step.

      And thanks for the pointer to your archives, I will certainly browse!


      Indiana Renewables, LLC
      6600 Karyn Drive
      Avon, Indiana 46123
      ph: 317-272-7939
      fax: 317-536-5326

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  Dr. A.D. Karve
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  *Please change my email address in your records to: adkarve at gmail.com *


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