[Gasification] reducing temp. of gasification

Henri Naths c_hnaths at telusplanet.net
Sun Sep 11 10:42:23 CDT 2011

Dear A. D. Karve. 
My exact thoughts a while ago was to achieve this temperature with an internal electric arc furnace. 
The resulting gas could be put thru a catalyst. Lately i have been reminded of the efficiency of electro static precipitators and am presently researching their compatibility with producer gas. So: air tight electric  arc furnace fed with co2 preheated feed stock > catalyst>98% cyclone>precip> final water filter cooling>* dryer> co2 removal> o2 injection> ice> recycled co2 hot > preheat feedstock.
Too complicated? please send me your ideas
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On Sep 10, 2011, at 11:41 PM, Anand Karve <adkarve at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> one requires about 700C temperature for making producer gas. This is
> generally achieved by burning the feedstock itself, for which one
> introduces external air into the reactor. As a result, the producer
> gas gets diluted by the nitrogen in the air. If the process can be
> conducted in a closed vessel, which is heated from the outside, one
> can get combustible gas without all the nitrogen, but heating the
> feedstock inside a container cannot achieve the temperature that is
> required for producing producer gas, so that what one gets is
> primarily tar vapour. Has anyone thought of using a catalyst for
> getting pyrolysis gas at say 300 C? It would help me greatly, if such
> a catalyst were available.
> Yours
> A.D.Karve
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