[Gasification] 1. Re: Wood Chip classificaton (Bruce Green) Gasification Digest, Vol 20, Issue 7
Tom Miles
tmiles at trmiles.com
Mon Apr 16 11:19:07 CDT 2012
See Advanced Trailer for peanut dryers
They built a trailer for University of Idaho for drying wood:
They have pulled all references to biomass drying from their website. Maybe
it doesn't work as well as expected.
From: gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org
[mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org] On Behalf Of Bruce
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 4:49 AM
To: Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification
Subject: Re: [Gasification] 1. Re: Wood Chip classificaton (Bruce Green)
Gasification Digest, Vol 20, Issue 7
LP gas fired drying wagons are used to dry peanuts in Florida. Bruce Green
On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 4:56 AM, David Coote <dccoote at mira.net> wrote:
On 16/04/2012 5:00 AM, gasification-request at lists.bioenergylists.org wrote:
Today's Topics:
1. Re: Wood Chip classificaton (Bruce Green)
2. Re: Wood Chip classificaton (Peter& Kerry)
3. Re: Why would you want to make heating grade woodgas?
(Peter& Kerry)
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 20:29:41 -0400
From: Bruce Green<clascent at gmail.com>
To: Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification
<gasification at lists.bioenergylists.org>
Subject: Re: [Gasification] Wood Chip classificaton
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Hi all, If you really want to dry something cheap use a greenhouse. See
this technology http://www.parkson.com/products/thermo-system . Bruce
On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Luke Gardner<lgardner at wwest.net> wrote:
I thought about doing this as part of my research using a solar kiln. At
it's simplest this might be wheel in an open mesh side container full of
moist chip, leave for a few days, take out nice dry chip and combust/gasify.
The problem, of course, is that the chip will only dry towards the outside
of the container. Handling costs get restrictive if you put the chip in
trays and placing the chip in some kind of tumbler involves extra expense
for the tumbler and also some energy (and cost) to drive the tumbler.
I was in Finland a few weeks ago where I was introduced to the concept of a
drying trailer where air is actively moved across a relatively small
container full of chip. Apparently this can dry the chip reasonably
efficiently. I might revisit the solar kiln idea using this approach. As
with everything in this area for a commercial operation it's all about the
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