[Gasification] What kind of charcoal and ash comes out of a gasifier
Greg Manning
a31ford at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 06:00:00 CDT 2012
Good Morning Gao and List.
Gao "activated charcoal" is generally made at temperatures much lower
than gasifier charcoal, BUT, I will say that the charcoal that come
out of my gasifiers has had a dramatic effect on the soil that
surrounds my home.
As well, the ash has provided a marked difference in the growing of
everything from lawn grass to trees.
So, I would have to say, that as long as the charcoal is not covered
in oils (it's dry charcoal), that it is good for soil.
I do note that charcoal that is covered in oils (very low temperature
gasifier) has a distinct wet feel if handled (Careful, latex gloves
would be wise), does NOT do justice to soils, in fact the area that
has a small amount of it has NOT grown grass since.
Thank god, that it was in a test rack where it was tested, and NOT
directly on the outdoor soil itself.
Greg Manning
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 12:34 AM, Gao Pronove <gao.pronove at gmail.com> wrote:
> What kind of charcoal and ash comes out of a gasifier? Is that "activated" charcoal already?
> What uses have been developed for the charcoal by-product? What are its characteristics?
> Thanks
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Greg Manning,
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
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