[Gasification] energy for villages
Pannirselvam P.V
pannirbr at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 18:44:48 CDT 2012
Respected A.D.Karve
Thank you very much for your valuable practical information.Like in the
case of popularity of biogas technology in rural India , your work show
a different technological path way viability for India unlike the
large scale centralised energy production of developed world .Because
our Bioenergy is is the very largest global list of the Internet, many
list members from developing country will take especial note of your
answer . Small scale Energy from biomass can bring new opportunity for
small towns ,several islands, several isolated under developed
forest areas.As very big country Brazil , yet have remote places yet
unconnected with the glob world with problem of transport unlike India
well connected railways , the small biomass energy can play important
role for better food and health.
Kind regards for time valuable information
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Anand Karve <adkarve at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Pannirselvam,
> a company called Ankur in Vadodara (Gujerat) provided us with the
> technology. They make the gasifiers. Another company in Agra (U.P.) makes
> the engines and a third one makes the electricity generators. Ankur puts
> them all together. Our generator generates 5 kW electricity. It is operated
> for about three hours in the evening to provide light to the houses. There
> are also a few street lights. Some families have also purchased television
> sets since they have electricity. Their village is on the top of a hill and
> the women used to come down into the valley to get their grain ground and
> again climb up the hill with the flour. Now they have a flour mill in their
> own village. There is no motorable road to reach the village. The hardware
> was dismembered and physically carried up to the village by the people. The
> individual components were reassembled in the village. We also wanted to
> construct a biogas plant in this village to supplement the producer gas,
> but we ran out of money.
> Yours
> A.D.Karve
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 5:46 PM, Pannirselvam P.V <pannirbr at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Dear Anand Karrve
>> Kind regrads and congratulation to you . The
>> way to gasification of biomass waste into wealth to decentralized
>> people made small biopower using biogas , producer gas cheaper piston
>> engine to the rural mass compared to the centralised steam turbine and
>> gas turbines , capital intensive , with more power loss during
>> distribution has many social , environmental economical and technical
>> problems .In this context very glad to to know your sucess story.
>> Inthis context your practical work , India giving exmaples to other
>> world so that Brazziil , Africa , china need to follow the lesson learned
>> by you.
>> You have clearly mentioned 2 alternatives of biogas , and producer
>> gas .
>> As you also woke much with pyrogas , can slow pyrogas used in biogas
>> , can this make more water gas shift CO to hydrogen and also metahne
>> , reduce acids in pyrogas.
>> Can the combined pyrogas and biogas , biothermal process more simple
>> and more Appropriate than producer gas gasification
>> Can you give more brief details about the details about how the
>> samll energy produced for 35 household .Is it combined bigas and producer
>> gas or stand alone engine running two seperate engine for each case
>> King regards
>> Pannirselvam .P.V
>> North East Brazil
>> On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Anand Karve <adkarve at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear gasification enthusiasts,
>>> I delivered a keynote address on 23rd February in Tokyo, Japan, before a
>>> workshop on the theme "Bottom of the Pyramid". The workshop was arranged by
>>> Japan External Trade Organization, and it was meant to tell the
>>> Japanese industrialists what they could do for the poor in the third world.
>>> My main theme was that the people belonging to the bottom of the pyramid
>>> lived in villages, where the opportunities to earn money were extremely
>>> limited. The main impediment in the way of even small scale industries
>>> being opened in villages was the lack of electricity, and therefore I
>>> pleaded that the agricultural waste should be converted into energy. This
>>> is already being done all over the world by the cane sugar industry, which
>>> uses the bagasse as the source of energy. In the sugar factories, they use
>>> the steam turbine technology, which is rather sophisticated, but in the
>>> villages they can use the gasification technology with producer gas and
>>> biogas being the two alternatives for driving internal combustion engines,
>>> which in turn motivate electricity generators. Our own Institute is already
>>> providing electricity generated by this method to 35 households in a remote
>>> village in India.
>>> I am taking this opportunity just to make a wider circle of technicians
>>> aware of the benefits that gasification of biomass can bring to the rural
>>> poor.
>>> Yours
>>> A.D.Karve
>>> --
>>> ***
>>> Dr. A.D. Karve
>>> Trustee & Founder President, Appropriate Rural Technology Institute
>>> (ARTI)
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> --
> ***
> Dr. A.D. Karve
> Trustee & Founder President, Appropriate Rural Technology Institute (ARTI)
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Research Group ,GPEC, Coordinator
Computer aided Cost engineering
DEQ – Departamento de Engenharia Química
CT – Centro de Tecnologia / UFRN, Lagoa Nova – Natal/RN
Campus Universitário. CEP: 59.072-970
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pvpa at msn.com
panruti2002 at yahoo.com
pannirbr at gmail.com
pvpa at msn.com
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