[Gasification] Low Pressure sensors
SHIVANAND Ramachandran
nsyeecs at vsnl.com
Fri Apr 27 02:59:06 CDT 2012
We use MPXV7002 & MPXV5004, whose DP span is lesser ( but
sufficient for our gasifiers) but the the output voltage span is more.
Which is important, considering that the least count when measured using
Arduino is around 5 mV (5 V/1024).
So, if you use MPXV12 , which has
an output span of 60 mV for a dP of 1020 mmWC, you will effectively get
a least count of (1020/ (60/5))= 85 mmWC, which is of little use, unless
you amplify the output of the transducer.
Infinite Energy (P) Ltd
New Delhi
On 26-04-2012, Pete
& Sheri wrote:
> Thank you, Shivanand.
> I have found the 10 Kpa
range sensors. The MPX12DP, case 344. Is that what you use?
> Is
there a better choice?
> Pete Stanaitis
> ----------------
FROM: gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org
[mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org] ON BEHALF OF
SHIVANAND Ramachandran
> SENT: Thursday, April 26, 2012 3:33 AM
> TO:
gasification at lists.bioenergylists.org
> SUBJECT: Re: [Gasification] Low
Pressure sensors
> Hi Pete,
> We use arduino microcontrollers
for our gasifiers.
> You get low cost pressure transducers from
Freescale semiconductors. They synch pretty well with the arduino
hardware ( matching supply voltage and output range). They cost about
$10 each and are very reliable and reasonably accurate if you take care
of the electronics. You can easily get them on any online electronics
store like digikey, mouser, etc.
> I believe Allpowerlabs also use
similar transducers (atleast look the same)
> Regards
Shivanand Ramachandran
> Infinite Energy Private Limited
> First
Floor, Baba House
> 149-A, Kilokri
> New Delhi - 110014
> Phone
011-65191937, 65273819
> Fax : 011 - 26348472
> On 26-04-2012, Pete
& Sheri wrote:
>> Hello Stephen.
>> The link you supplied to
Dwyer was for a Switch, not a sensor. I didn't make myself clear.
>> I am looking for a sensor in the range of minus 20 inches WC to plus
20 inches WC that will give me an electrical output in proportion to the
pressure being sensed, so I can graph the quantity and use its magnitude
to control the system.
>> Sorry for my poor quality communication,
>> Pete Stanaitis
>> ---------------
>> FROM:
gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org [1]
[mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org [2]] ON BEHALF OF
sabbadess at aol.com [3]
>> SENT: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:18 PM
>> TO:
gasification at lists.bioenergylists.org [4]
>> SUBJECT: Re: [Gasification]
Process controllers for gasifier/engine control and datalogging, Are
there any Arduino users out there?
>> Pete,
>> Try this:
>> At least it will give you a digital threshold. I have had
good luck with Dwyer stuff.
>> Stephen Abbadessa
-----Original Message-----
>> From: Pete & Sheri
>> To: Gasification
>> Sent: Wed, Apr 25, 2012 2:46 pm
>> Subject: [Gasification] Process
controllers for gasifier/engine control and datalogging, Are there any
Arduino users out there?
>> I have been interested in Jim Mason
(and company)'s approach to process control and datalogging using an
Arduino based microcontroller since he first announced its existence. I
have done a little googling about Arduino in general, and now I am sorta
fascinated with it. I already have a fair amount of electronic hobby
stuff around here, so I bought an Arduino ATMega2560 last week ($60) and
am starting to get familiar with it.
>> The reason for this post:
>> Is anyone else out there using the Arduino as a process
>> And, has anyone found inexpensive low pressure
sensors? I can't seem to find any in the +/- 20 inches WC range that are
cheaper than about $40 in a 1 to 3 quantity.
>> If you don't know
what I am talking about, go to:
http://wiki.gekgasifier.com/w/page/6123727/Gasifier-Control-Unit [8]
>> (If I was a little farther along, I'd just buy one)
>> and then
go to:
>> http://www.arduino.cc/ [9]
>> A whole 'nother
>> Pete Stanaitis
>> ----------------
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