[Gasification] using coal gas in i.c. engine

Pannirselvam P.V pannirbr at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 07:44:39 CDT 2012

Helo  A.D , Karve

  IN 1980 , experiments were carried out with wood gasfied and  charcoal
gasified in  *Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute
(SPRERI)* , Vallabh
Vidyanagar, a township about 5 km from Anand,Gujarat , India by  Europen
researchers  clearly proved that  charcoal made  syngas is better fuel than
wood based producer gas when iwas there in India , in 1980 . At the same
time In south America , well known gasogenio, made  of low cost ceramic
bricks made gasifier  was very suceesful one , TOM know well about the
same. In Thailand in 2008 in the event  of international pyrolysis and
gasification congress , I was able to see the demonstration , an  India
type type TVS motor cycle  was running with  charcoal based   gasifier ,
made possible by carrier pushed by  small motor bicycle ,
All running smoothly, long time with low petrol spark ic engine.As Tata low
cost car and hence engine  , can make possible  charcoal  or coal  as they
have mostly carbon .

    we are working on using engine c02  gas to make
possible partial oxidation .instead of using steam  air for gasification ,
which lead to  low quality gas , it may possible  to improve the c02
pyrolysis gas  quality , operating the reactor in hydrogasification mode
.Thus charcoal economy  using biocoal , l  all can produce stable fuel
mixture , using popular Brazilian gasogene  technology , which was very
successful remote forest area of Brazil .This second world technology  need
improvement  for energy integrations  of energy production with ic engine
 to make charcoal of bio coal  from waste heat.

   As rural energy need in India is unsolved unlike Brazilian , light and
energy for all brazilian energy project.  your work  using  bio coal , can
eliminate  Tar , simplify the gas cleaning problems , as simple  cloth
filter can eliminate the fine particle problemas , ,less maintenance ,
smooth stable energy production .Leaving energy production  problems  alone
with central government of India , or Petroleium company like weter country
 alone can take  a long time for India to  have Independence of energy
production , to come to the  level of Brazil.Unlike most developed  country
, Brazil made possible ahead this using bioenergy via political policy
 towards the energy Independence.As there is acute water crysis , power cut
in places in India , the correct  decentralised power making  can be made
possible by biocoal economy , may be first in India, unlike
china centralised big energy product towards environmentally friend  green
future. The so called nuclear energy project in  India  also face
apposition from people in  Tamil Nadu China economic growth all country
wonder, is it sustainable  based on centralised power plants.What cab be
Indian energy enegy path and future , other than bio coal from wastes,mane
made solid  briquettes from waste.

your truely

Pannirselvam P.V

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 8:13 AM, Anand Karve <adkarve at gmail.com> wrote:

> Tar, a problem when using wood gas in an internal combustion engine, is
>> automatically eliminated in the process of making charcoal.Charring does
>> not require any input of external energy. Making coal gas from charcoal is
>> also relatively simple. I was told that CO + H2 was an unstable mixture,
>> but can one use freshly made coal gas in an internal combustion engine?
>> Yours
> A.D.Karve
> --
> ***
> Dr. A.D. Karve
> Trustee & Founder President, Appropriate Rural Technology Institute (ARTI)
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