[Gasification] Power Pallet

Mark Ludlow mark at ludlow.com
Wed Jan 30 17:58:40 CST 2013


That's a good observation. But how are rice husks gasified? TLUD only? Thin
fuel bed?




From: Gasification [mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org] On
Behalf Of sabbadess at aol.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 4:10 PM
To: gasification at lists.bioenergylists.org
Subject: Re: [Gasification] Power Pallet




Your fuel would need to be pelletized.  Gasification requires air flow
through the fuel and sawdust is too fine.



-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew James-Buehler <andrewsownemail at email.com>
To: Gasification <Gasification at bioenergylists.org>
Sent: Wed, Jan 30, 2013 5:59 pm
Subject: [Gasification] Power Pallet

Hullo all,

I am looking for an off grid power supply, and came across this power pallet
from the US. 



Does anyone have any hands on experience with these? Are they as good as
their web site claims? I have easy access to abundant hardwood sawdust and
shavings from a local timber mill, and would like to set this, or a similar
unit up on a continuous feed arrangement. Any suggestions there anyone?


Many thanks


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