[Gasification] Steel making Charcoal
Thomas Reed
tombreed2010 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 08:10:04 CDT 2014
I'm not sure whether we have connected TLUD charcoal with the rest of this discussion.
If you make a pile of dry wood and light it ON TOP it will make charcoal quite efficiently (20%?), because the first layer on top starts burning the cellulose in the second layer and the combustible gases (CO, H2, CH4) from the cellulose PROTECT the first layer charcoal.
If you do this in a closed container, you can run a generator from the Cell-Gas and have electric power as a by-product of the charcoal making.
Conventional charcoal making at typically 400C leaves a LOT of volatiles in the charcoal. The TLUD charcoal reaches temperatures of 500-800C, depending on air thruput, natural or forced draft. So you can control the quality of the TLUD charcoal if you make it in a tin can, garbage can or retort.
A Win, Win, win situation.
Thomas B Reed
280 Hardwick Rd
Barre, Ma 01005
> On Aug 15, 2014, at 7:57 AM, Peter Davies <idgasifier at gmail.com> wrote:
> Geoff,
> We had the privilege of being closely involved in a steel industry study and pilot trial addressing these questions a few years ago, we provided the protocols and plantation sourced raw wood for charcoal production in existing coke ovens and ultimately supplies of charcoal from a range of species through our own retorts. These charcoal samples were then used in a test blast furnace owned by BHP/Bluescope Steel which modeled exactly the behavior of the production ones in use.
> The results were outstanding. Renewable carbon from these sources substantially outperformed fossil sources in both quality of end product and efficiency of production, I believe the figure was close to a 40% production enhancement due to the higher reactivity of the wood charcoal. The key though is in obtaining sustainable sources in the volumes required. I recall a figure of 1 million tonnes of wood charcoal for the local steel producers which were themselves <1% of the global industry.
> It can be done under the right circumstances, much more so for steel recycling operations, and there are many smaller steel producers who could benefit where good local biomass resources exist and are well managed. The char though has to be >80% fixed carbon. We have found our gasifiers ideal for char of the this quality, both in what they produce directly and in the ability to cleanly operate integrated high temperature char retorts.
> Peter
>> On 15/08/2014 3:01 PM, Geoff Thomas wrote:
>> ,
>>> On 15/08/2014, at 4:00 AM, gasification-request at lists.bioenergylists.org wrote:
>>> Today's Topics:
>> Hi People, i had a question the other day about Coal being the only way to make Steel, from my friend GeoffH, i am putting the question below, it is in two parts, and my answer below that, - displaying my ignorance, - particularly if gasified waste would reach the high temperature required, - I realise Charcoal does, and also the aluminium reaction I mentioned, but am personally skating on very thin ice re temperature.
>> Please comment, I believe it is an important area of discussion in the gasification arena, - PS, I have a thick skin :)
>> Cheers,
>> Geoff Thomas.
>> "Had a discussion with someone about the concept of 100% renewables as to whether renewable could substitute for coal in steelmaking.
>> Well, it seems coal is important not only for generating very high temperatures, but also for the chemical use of carbon monoxide in extracting the iron from iron ore.
>> There are alternatives – maybe – such a DRI and ‘sponge iron’. Hydrogen can be used instead of carbon monoxide but is so much more expensive.
>> The Comments listed at the end of this article (on the Net) are insightful.
>> Interested in other people’s comments on steel production vis-à-vis renewable energy.
>> Cheers,
>> GeoffH
>> http://theenergycollective.com/robertwilson190/308896/explosive-growth-steel-production-china-why-it-matters
>> The Explosive Growth of Steel Production in China: Why It Matters
>> Posted November 27, 2013
>> Keywords: Carbon and De-carbonization, Energy Security, Tech, Sustainability, Coal, Environmental Policy, China, Energy, Energy and Economy, Energy Collective Exclusive, Fuels, china, industry growth, steel, The Energy Transition
>> China and Steel Growth
>> There is no material more fundamental to industrial civilization than steel. Modern buildings, ships, cars, planes and bridges would all be unthinkable without steel, and as pointed out by Allwood and Cullen in their fine recent book on materials production we currently have no viable substitute materials that could perform steel's multiple functions. We are still very much living in the iron age.
>> Global production of steel has now reached almost 1.5 billion tonnes each year. The geographic make up of steel production however has changed profoundly in the last decade. In the year 2000 China produced 15% of the world's steel. Today almost half of the world's steel is made in China, with Chinese steel production increasing by over 500% since 2000. The astonishing levels of steel consumption in China is illustrated by the fact that 60% of rebar, used in buildings to reinforce concrete, that is produced each year is now consumed in China.
>> Energy requirements of steel manufacturing in China
>> Last year China produced 708 million tonnes of steel. On average each tonne of steel produced in China requires the equivalent of 0.69 tonnes of coal in energy consumption. In other words China's steel industry consumes the equivalent of 500 million tonnes of coal each year, and this being China more or less all of the energy used to make steel comes from coal. China's steel industry consumes almost 7% of the world's coal, and if China's steel industry was a country it would rank 6th globally in total primary energy consumption, ranking above both Germany and Canada. A comparison of this level of energy consumption with current global consumption of wind and solar energy is sobering.
>> As with all comparisons of energy consumption, methods and calculations should be laid out transparently. Here I will compare the total primary energy consumption of China's steel industry with global primary energy consumption of wind and solar. In 2012 wind and solar electricity production was 614 TWh (trillion watt hours). However to make a more apples to apples comparison we should ask how much coal would be needed to produce this electricity. Using this approach current annual global energy consumption from wind and solar works out as 200 million tonnes of coal equivalent (using EIA's conversion methodology and BP's assumptions for the average thermal efficiency of power plants). Therefore growth in global energy consumption from wind and solar since 2000 has been approximately half of the increase in energy consumption by China's steel sector alone. A stark illustration of how little has been achieved in the transition to low carbon energy.
>> This rapid growth in Chinese steel consumption poses another problem. We are not only fundamentally dependent on steel production, but as Vaclav Smil points out steel production is more or less fundamentally dependent on the large scale use of coal, with no prospect of a transition to low carbon methods of steel production in the short to medium term. Calls to fully dismantle the coal industry must consider how we can make steel without coal, because currently no methods seem particularly feasible. Globally about 1 billion tonnes of coal is used to produce steel, representing 14% of total coal production, with steel and iron production equating to over 6% of global carbon dioxide emissions. This figure is much higher than that of the aviation industry, yet have you ever read an op-ed calling steel manufacturing a rogue industry?
>> The vast disparities in steel consumption in the world today suggest that a significant increase in overall steel consumption is inevitable and probably desirable. We are however reaching the limits of how efficiently steel can be produced, and despite multiple opportunities to improve the rationality of steel use it appears clear that we will need to mine hundreds of millions of tonnes of coal each year to produce steel for decades, and more likely, generations to come. These realities should be borne in mind by those who claim there are no significant barriers to 100% renewable energy."
>> Hi GeoffH, thing with steel making is to remove the oxygen from the Iron Ore, ( basically iron oxide) which is done by the carbon in the charcoal (coal,) but charcoal is not the only way (the Japanese have been using wood charcoal to make steel from 6000BC) nor is coal the best source of charcoal, so this is a fruit-full area of possible development.
>> Interestingly, there was a development called Direct Reduced Iron some 20 odd years ago where electricity was used on an iron/carbon briquette, (my vague remembering) and of course in this time we can talk of electricity from Solar, Wind, Geothermal or tidal/wave to provide at times when any of those have too much, but on another side, my grandfather who was a railwayman in between fishing, when they mixed aluminium powder with rust, to weld the rails together, - the yearning of the aluminium for oxygen (which is normally halted by it's instant oxide coating) would cause it to burn in that reduced environment, created by the railway workers with clay moulds from local mud, so the aluminium would effectively disappear, (evaporate or float to the top) leaving superheated steel which would go down into the clay mould between the two rail ends - so hot it would melt the steel rails on either side to join them,
>> The point being that not only carbon will do that chemical transformation with steel.
>> For changing the steel production away from coal we could consider using gasification, where one has a carbon containing substance, - such as waste from cities, burns it without enough oxygen so creates Carbon Monoxide, very hot, so also gives your reaction that energy, - and of course the carbon monoxide, hungry for more oxygen so that it can become carbon dioxide, takes that oxygen away from the iron oxide, simply put.
>> Whether we blow that carbon dioxide through an 'algal bloom bed' to make more biomass or vent it to the atmosphere may well be a point but my main point is that the coal can stay in the ground, where it was laid down in the Pleistocene,
>> So we have, from gasification, carbon monoxide, produced from waste, to make steel.
>> Cheers,
>> Geoff Thomas.
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> --
> Peter Davies
> Director
> ID Gasifiers Pty Ltd
> Delegate River, Victoria
> Australia
> Ph: 0402 845 295
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