[Gasification] SPAM: Re: newbie question...

Mark Elliott Ludlow mark at ludlow.com
Sun Apr 5 00:54:31 CDT 2015

Straws typically have a high silica content (which was been mentioned here before). This leads to slagging in pyrolysis. Plus, as Tom pointed out, they carry their own combustion air. Pelletizing probably helps with the latter issue.



From: Gasification [mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org] On Behalf Of Jeff Davis
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2015 9:28 PM
To: Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification
Subject: Re: [Gasification] SPAM: Re: newbie question...


Dear Terrey,

About three years ago I applied the Roger Sampson rice husk method to a pile of chopped switch grass. One makes a container for some activation fuel and a stove pipe on top. Next the igniter gets covered with a pile of (in my case) switch grass. Next light the activation fuel by dropping a burning item down the flue pipe. There might be a cross pipe at the bottom, I don't recall. Stand ready, with water, to put out any fire that may develop on the surface. It showed some promise but I never had the time to further it.

I do not know if he still has his site, it was called something like REAP Canada. It was a PDF document with a non English word in the title, maybe something like Benchi Soil??????    He has been quite for years now so he might be doing something else.

Best regards,

"Once an owner has got used to charcoal gas he will never revert to the more expensive fuels", Geo Bray

On Apr 4, 2015 10:21 PM, "T. GILL" <maxlochangill at gmail.com <mailto:maxlochangill at gmail.com> > wrote:

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the reply and feed back. Every year millions of tons of rice straw and part of wheat straw is burnt, which leads to massive air pollution and irreversible damage to the soil in Northern India. To make the matter worse, this burning is done in a short period of a couple of weeks, resulting in so much escalation in air pollution that, often people no medical history of  asthma have problems breathing. 

Although burning of the paddy is banned under the law, but implementation of the law is difficult, and little can the achieved without improving the awareness of the farmers and finding a Eco-friendly solution such as its conversion to bio-char. 


Well capacity of the bio-char kiln can be anything to between 2-5 mt/hr for a fast pyrolysis and comparatively less for slow smouldering carbonization.

I am also keen on designs of temporary kilns which can be made using clay, and can be destroyed after the straw is converted to bio-char. This bio-char goes into soil anyway to improve the crop yield.




On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 11:08 AM, Tom Miles <tmiles at trmiles.com <mailto:tmiles at trmiles.com> > wrote:

Carbonizing wheat straw  is a challenge. It is very low yield. The straw itself contains enough air to support smoldering combustion. While it is likely that the terra preta soils in Brazil were partly from smoldering grasses the yield in char would have been very low. Having said that it is both possible and desirable to carbonize grasses. Straw gasification is just harder to control.  Some big bale size batch carbonizers have been developed in Australia. A small stale externally heated carbonizer was developed by ARTI in India. 


What scale or capacity are you looking for? Our biochar bloggers on Yahoo may be helpful. 


Tom Miles

 <http://www.gasifiers.bioenergylists.org> www.gasifiers.bioenergylists.org

 <http://www.biochar.bioenergylists.org> www.biochar.bioenergylists.org


From: Gasification [mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org <mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org> ] On Behalf Of T. GILL
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 7:02 PM
To: Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification
Subject: SPAM: Re: [Gasification] newbie question...


Hi All,

I am looking for a design for a  pyrolysis unit to convert hay (from wheat) into bio-char.

Is it possible to convert the hay into bio-char with out using any external fuel such as coal or gas?

Is it possible to use the hay as a fuel for slow pyrolysis.

please give you feed back.

Terrey Gill


On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 12:01 PM, Jeff Davis <jeffdavis0124 at gmail.com <mailto:jeffdavis0124 at gmail.com> > wrote:

I think Tom has a methane list somewhere. Maybe:

Pyrolysis gas can have a lot of tar in it. What is your plans for that?


"Once an owner has got used to charcoal gas he will never revert to the more expensive fuels", Geo Bray

On Apr 1, 2015 5:43 PM, "hugh" <hugh at austrop.org.au <mailto:hugh at austrop.org.au> > wrote:

Just joined .. and have been interested in gas from wood pyrolysisfor quite a while - but also in methane from bio-digestion (small scale) .. and haven't been able to find a suitable group

Does anybody have some suggestions?



(Dr) Hugh Spencer
Australian Tropical Research Foundation
Cape Tribulation Tropical Research Station
PMB 5 Cape Tribulation Qld.

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