[Gasification] Biogas, biomass gasification and Power-to-gas in focus at REGATEC 2016

jorgen.held at renewtec.se jorgen.held at renewtec.se
Tue Feb 2 18:14:42 CST 2016

REGATEC Newsletter. Problems to view it?  <http://gantrack2.com/t/v/4_MDQwMzM4ODA1OA==/> View it in the web reader.






Dear Tom Miles


Welcome to REGATEC 2016

Following the success of REGATEC 2015 in Barcelona  <http://gantrack2.com/t/l/1622404/4_MDQwMzM4ODA1OA==/> 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2016, takes place 10-11 May at Scandic Triangeln, Malmö, Sweden.

REGATEC has a technical and industrial focus and revolves around anaerobic digestion, gasification and Power-to-gas. 

Registration fees (including lunches, dinner and a printed copy of the ISBN numbered conference proceedings, access to all presentations, the poster session and the exhibition)

Regular                            580€ + 25% VAT

PhD or MSc student   380€ + 25% VAT

Poster presenter          290€ + 25% VAT



The fee of 1,500 euro + 25% VAT includes exhibition space, logotype and hyperlink on the conference website, listing in REGATEC Newsletter (12,000+ subscribers), free admission for two people including lunches and the conference gala dinner as well as printed copies of the conference proceedings, programme and participant list. 

For more info please visit the   <http://gantrack2.com/t/l/1622405/4_MDQwMzM4ODA1OA==/> exhibitor page.























LignoSys kicks off at REGATEC 2016

LignoSys is a collaborative effort coordinated by Renewable Energy Technology International AB (Renewtec AB). The aim is to investigate different conversion technologies of lignocellulose rich feedstock to biomethane in the small scale by means of system studies. Three different thermochemical conversion routes as well as biochemical conversion in combination with pretreatment will be investigated. Project partners are Cortus Energy AB, Danish Gas Technology Centre, European Biogas Association, G4 Insights Inc., Institute for Biogas, Waste Management & Energy, Lund University, Montanuniversität Leoben, OX2 Bio AB, Renewable Energy Technology International AB and SYSAV Utveckling AB. 


The call for posters is open


A total of 32 posters will be accepted for presentation at REGATEC 2016. The topics are

*        anaerobic digestion, gas cleaning and upgrading

*        crygenic upgrading and/or liquefaction

*        gasification of biomass and waste, syngas cleaning and methanation

*        Power-to-gas

*        Biomass and waste gasification for CHP production


Benjamin Mutz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Katarina Großmann, University Erlangen-Nuremberg 

Oliver Jochum, Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT

Marco Weiss, ETW Energietechnik GmbH

Jowin Joseph, Paramesu Biotech Pvt Ltd 

Nicola Haag, University of Hohenheim

Karine Arrhenius, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden 

Stephan Herrmann, Technische Universität München

Lucy Culleton, National Physical Laboratory, UK

Knud Tybirk, Samsoe Kommune, Denmark

Claudia Rossi, AzzeroCO2

Valerio Paolini, National Research Council of Italy 


For more info please visit the  <http://gantrack2.com/t/l/1622418/4_MDQwMzM4ODA1OA==/> poster page.


Confirmed speakers

REGATEC 2016 speakers are personally invited and the invitation process is ongoing. Don't hesitate to contact the organizers if you feel you have a scientific or technical contribution of relevance for the conference.

Confirmed speakers so far are Prof. Thomas Kienberger, Montanuniversität Leoben, Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Fendt, Technische Universität München, Dr. Espen Govasmark, City of Oslo, Waste-To-Energy Agency, Sören Nilsson Påledal, Tekniska Verken i Linköping AB, Dr. Stefan Müller, Technische Universität Wien, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Bleul, Spanner Re2 GmbH, Dr. Carla Tagliaferri, University College London, Dr. Tilman Schildhauer, Paul Scherrer Institute, Dr. Denis Clodic, Cryo Pur, MSc. Benny Bakker, DMT Environmental Technology, Dr. Jan Stambasky, President European Biogas Association, Jonas Klückers, MicrobEnergy GmbH, Rosa Domenichini, Amec Foster Wheeler Italiana. 



REGATEC sponsorship


REGATEC offers an exclusive platform for companies and organisations to be visible worldwide within the renewable energy gas sector. 

For more info on sponsor benefits and prices please visit the  <http://gantrack2.com/t/l/1622419/4_MDQwMzM4ODA1OA==/> sponsor page.




Cortus Energy provides cost effective renewable energy gas solutions for industrial, transport and power applications based upon the patented WoodRoll® technology. WoodRoll® is a breakthrough technology for gasifying biomass that utilizes low grade feedstock to generate a clean and energy rich syngas that enables effective upgrading to SNG (biomethane).





Get a copy of the conference proceedings



free of charge!

The ISBN numbered conference proceedings contain extended abstracts from 4 plenary presentations, 22 presentations in parallel sessions and 38 poster presentations as well as company presentations of the REGATEC 2015 Gold and Silver Sponsors.

Send an e-mail to the REGATEC co-organizer  <mailto:jorgen.held at renewtec.se> Dr. Jörgen Held with your contact data to obtain a free copy of the electronic version (22 MB).

By requesting a copy you automatically give your permission to be added to the REGATEC Newsletter distribution list.

The REGATEC Newsletter has more than 12,000 subscribers.


Join the REGATEC LinkedIn Group



Stay updated by joining the REGATEC LinkedIn Group. Get news about REGATEC, sponsorship, exhibitor package, call for posters and any other relevant information of interest. Click on the icon to the left and join the group.


REGATEC is organized by  <http://gantrack2.com/t/l/1622423/4_MDQwMzM4ODA1OA==/> Renewable Energy Technology International AB and  <http://gantrack2.com/t/l/1622424/4_MDQwMzM4ODA1OA==/> Institute for Biogas, Waste Management & Energy. Focus is on anaerobic digestion, gas cleaning, upgrading, gasification of biomass and waste for production of CHP or bioSNG, syngas cleaning, methanation and Power-to-gas. 




You get this newsletter because you are active within the renewable energy area, are a client or have signed up for the newsletter. The REGATEC Newsletter is distributed to 12,000+ subsrcibers.  <http://gantrack2.com/subscription/4_MDQwMzM4ODA1OA==/unsubscribe/> To unsubscribe, click here.


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