[Gasification] Characterization of waste water from biomass gasification equipment: A case-study from Cambodia

Nicolò Cerni cerni at altair-international.com
Wed Jan 6 04:47:57 CST 2016


thank you this is very interesting
one of the most interesting for us....

best wishes 2016

2016-01-04 16:31 GMT+01:00 Tom Miles <tmiles at trmiles.com>:

> Since 2005 hundreds of small scale gasifiers have been installed in
> Myanmar, Cambodia and other South East Asian countries to offset high cost
> diesel to generate shaft and electric power in rice mills and palm
> factories. They are often in the 100+kW scale. Initially they were dual
> fueled with diesel but increasingly they are 100% producer gas. Ankur
> Scientific  introduced a dry cleaning system in 2009 but in most cases the
> gasifiers use water scrubbers and the waste water and sludge is discharged
> into ponds without remediation. Simon Shackley and others have published a
> thorough characterization of waster waters from several gasifiers.
> Crop residues are best gasified at low temperatures. Low temperatures
> generate tars. Scrubbers are the lowest cost cleaning technique. Water
> strips toxic chemicals from the gas which become carried into the
> environment with water and sludge. Gasifier char is very useful. Sludge and
> black water are dangerous.
> The remediation of gasifier wastewater is a challenge for us. As we look
> forward to installing small scale gasifiers around the world we need to
> solve this problem . What are your solutions for filtering and remediating
> gasifier scrubber water? One solution might be running continuous blowdown
> though a vegetated biological filter where the biochar is used as part of
> the media. What have you tried?
> Tom
> T R Miles Technical Consultants Inc
> Portland, OR 97225
> tmiles at trmiles.com
> www.trmiles.com
> Characterisation of waste water from biomass gasification equipment: A
> case-study from Cambodia
> Article in World Review of Science Technology and Sustainable Development
> 12(2):126-151 · December 2015
> DOI: 10.1504/WRSTSD.2015.073829
> Abstract
> The gasification of rice husks for small-scale power generation in rice
> mills and other small factories in Cambodia has spread rapidly in the past
> decade and has a favourable investment payback period where the facility is
> off-grid. The technology is widely regarded as a sustainable, low-carbon
> power option. However, installed gasification technologies produce a black
> waste water which is frequently disposed of into the local environment
> without any treatment. An analysis was undertaken to identify and measure
> the key potential contaminants and compare concentrations in the water and
> sediment with regulatory thresholds established in Cambodia and within
> other jurisdictions. It was found that concentrations of organic
> contaminants such as phenols and benzene-type molecules (BETX) (water and
> sediment) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (sediment), as well
> as macro water quality indicators, were far higher than regulatory
> thresholds prescribe, posing threats to sensitive aquatic ecosystems into
> which such waste is introduced.
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*gradite i nostri  piu' distinti saluti, Atentamente,best regards,
 freundliche Grüße   *наилучшими пожеланиями

*Nicolo Cerni , *
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