[Gasification] Proton Power receives EPA Registration for its Diesel Fuel

Kelly Burnham kburnham at protonpowerbioenergy.com
Tue Oct 24 16:21:13 CDT 2017

Great News from Proton Power,

PPI received notification from the US EPA a little before noon EST this
morning that the registration of our renewable diesel fuel with EPA Part 79
is complete.

As a registered fuel, among other things it means that Proton diesel fuel
products can be sold commercially for transportation use in the U

This is a very significant milestone – and news that many of our customers
are eagerly awaiting in order to proceed with projects.

Please let us know if you have any questions or require further information.

Kelly Burnham
W: +1 (250) 243-2020
M: +1 (250) 878-4094
Proton Power Bioenergy Inc.

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