[Gasification] Candle filter experiences

Björn Kuntze kuntze at mastergas.de
Tue Oct 31 06:54:25 CDT 2017

Dear James,

I can´t say anything to the flue gas fitering system, but I may be able to
contribute to the filtering of product gas from gasification processes:

In Germany nowadays most projects use bag filters with working temperatures
of 120 - 160°C. Others use hot gas filtration at around 400°C using
stainless steel mesh filter materials. Wet gas cleaning with oil scrubbers
or electrostatic filters is used in older projects but not common at all for
new projects.

For fifteen years there were (and there still are) people advertising their
high temperature filter systems (candles like Herding, or BWF and metal
mesh). They claim that these filters can handle tar load. But, according to
my experience, with tar in the gas you will never get happy at all. It is
not even an issue of the filter concept. Due to harmful substances in the
tar you cannot even organize maintenance of such system when following
health and safety regulations. So such filter won´t help you either.
Furthermore, as already stated, once condensing conditions appear, the whole
thing is gone.

The candles (no matter who is the manufacturer) typically do have a problem
when the dust in the gas is very fine (soot...). In the past the
"overdesigned" filters typically turned out to be "underdesigned" in the
real project with the filter manufacturer saying: "we did not expect that
there is so much fine dust...". So they start with precoating. At the end
some projects had to order a second filter of same size to run in parallel.
I know a few projects where this was the recommended solution. 

So, if you go for that, increase the filter surface right from the beginning
no matter what the manufacturer tells you.

You might also consider the German company Calida Cleantech GmbH
(http://www.calida-cleantech.de/en/) (formerly LignoGen GmbH). They also
provide hot gas candle filter systems. I know one of their projects in
Germany where they filter product gas quite well. I know that they are
interested in projects filtering pyrolysis gas. You might contact them.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / with best regards
Björn Kuntze

MasterGas UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Bloherfelder Anger 7
26129 Oldenburg

Geschäftsführer: Björn Kuntze

Mobil:  +49 (0) 177 345 1557
Email:   kuntze at mastergas.de
Web:    www.mastergas.de

Handelsregister:  HRB 211272 – Amtsgericht Oldenburg
USt-ID-Nr:  DE307863882
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Gasification [mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org] Im
Auftrag von James Joyce
Gesendet: Dienstag, 31. Oktober 2017 00:48
An: gasification at lists.bioenergylists.org
Betreff: [Gasification] Candle filter experiences

We are just about to order candles for a flue gas filtration application at
350 deg C. We have also been asked to design a 400 deg C candle filter
system for pyrolysis gas, for installation ahead of a condenser. 

This is one example (not necessarily the supplier we will use)

I have read some of the case studies for larger gasifiers. I am interested
to know what experiences, if any, have been had with candle filters at the
smaller scale (say 2-20 tonnes per day of biomass gasified). Reliability is
my main interest, number of hours between replacement ... and performance as
far as downstream equipment such as condensers and engines are concerned.



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