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Dear Thomas Koch,<br><br> How much of a problem for the scaled up Range Fuels plant, was heat transfer from the hot fluid outside the auger-tubes to the celluose inside each parallel screw-tube?<br>we gather a hint of the problem from your description, and Range Fuels needing to consult you about your experience with <br>hot-fluid jacketed screw-pyrolizers.<br><br> Dr Reed said he saw the liquid fuel process working at small scale. May I guess this success was with a jacketed single-screw?<br><br> Inside the radiation, and convection sections of water-tube boilers steel surface temperatures can vary widely, as water vigorously circulates inside. <br>Water, being more fluid than wood chips screwing along in a tube, keeps steel temperature within certain limits throughout the entire boiler setting. <br>May we use this analogy to describe one problem experienced with Range Fuels attempt at system scale up?<br><br>A culinary anology for heat-jacketed auger-tubes is stir-frying vegitables in a Chinese wok. The chef adroitly presents new surfaces of the food to the hot steel to transfer heat by conduction. The chef can only make a batch of food under a certain size. Size beyond which he may choose to use a pressure cooker which can feed an army.<br><br>Would not direct-contact heat exchange between the hot fluid, and the wood be more practical at 4 ton/hr?<br><br>Andrew Schofield<br>Renewable Fuel Systems<br><br><br>Thomas Koch wrote:<br> Tom<br> <br> Range fuel gasification technology was an externally heated<br> pressuries pipe with a transport screew inside when I saw it. <br> It was very similar to the pyrolysis unit on the wiking gasifier but<br> they had ideas to upscale it to 4 tons pr hour by stacking pipes with<br> screew conveyers. Thinking of the challenges of making the 1 tons pr<br> hour screew pyrolyser in Haslev i have doubts this principle will<br> ever be competitive for energy production - even for atmospherich<br> applications. Thomas Koch <br><br><pre>From: Thomas Reed <tombreed2010@gmail.com><br><br> I attended a few of the formative meetings of Range Fuels back about 2007 when I lived in Denver. <br>I have known Bud Klepper since about 1988 when we worked together on a methanol project. <br>Too bad that many $millions couldn't solve at a large scale what Bud had solved at a small scale. <br> <br>Tom Reed, Pyrologist<br> </pre><br>Jim of All Power Labs wrote:<br> thomas, why did you think a stacked array of skinny auger retorts won't work? this seems a known solution that tends to work as far as i know. of course the proof is in the material handling with specific fuels.<br><br> did you find it difficult to keep the auger straight and working? difficult to keep the heat out of the motor and bearings at the ends?<br><br> any secret cautionary tales we should know of?<br><br> jim<br><br> </body>