[Stoves] Modified traditional Mongolian stove - pictures

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at gmail.com
Sun Dec 26 10:27:12 CST 2010

Dear Friends


Due to my poor Mongolian verb conjugation skills I have had to tune the name
of the stove and settle on Shatalt. It is the name as well as a reference to
the lighting method. Shatlakh is a verb meaning to build a 2 x 2 log stack
the way Boy Scouts do when they have big meets round the fire.


The direct link to the modified traditional stove is therefore changed to:




I have added a high resolution .AVI file showing the flames and smoke being
drafted into the pipe at the back - 12 MB - so you can see what it looks
like burning. It is difficult to film something taking place inside a closed
box so the draft is affected by the extra air flow, but is it indicative of
what happens. 


The direct link to the video is
www.newdawnengineering.com/library/stoves/shatalt/61 Flames and smoke.AVI


It is actually a video of an earlier stove that was not as good as the final
pipe-in-the-centre model in terms of lighting and early fire spread but the
burn is so clear I am sharing it anyway. Do as I say, not as this is!





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