[Stoves] What is your best charcoal stove?

vetle cappelen vetle_cappelen at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 22 10:36:01 CST 2010


Any specific reason why to start a "charcoal" stove production company? 

I´m not an expert so pls correct me if i´m wrong but I´m thinking of:

Loss of energy by producing charcoal!?
increase of charcoal prices!?
The CO2 emissions!?

Vetle Cappelen

Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 14:09:51 +0000
From: xvr.brandao at gmail.com
To: stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org
Subject: [Stoves] What is your best charcoal stove?

Hello everyone,

I am planning to set up a stove production company in Benin, and am looking for a :

- very efficient charcoal stove (for urban populations)

- proven technology which is free of rights

- easy to produce stove

- stove necessiting materials we can find locally (such as sheet metal)

- stove without clay

- which can accept more than one pot size

I am interested in the Pulumusa, any other idea, maybe a better / more efficient stove?
By the way, don't you think stove specialists should try to make a list of the "Top-ten best stoves". There are so many stoves, so many versions of stoves ...

Thanks and all the best!

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