Yury Yudkevich charwood at rambler.ru
Wed Oct 13 00:48:55 CDT 2010

Stovers,  Rogerio write:

I found the following quote on a FAO publication
(http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/y4450e/y4450e10.htm), and I
wonder if this is a correct statement responding to the question :

"Must charcoal be a cause for concern?

The shift from fuelwood to charcoal, even if it lasts only a few
decades, could have major ecological consequences if it is not kept
under control. However, since charcoal stoves are more efficient than
wood stoves, the ratio of primary energy to usable energy is almost
the same as with fuelwood. Thus with adequate supervision, management
and support, the shift does not need to disrupt present levels of
resource use."

What do you think? ?Can at the end, with actual stoves and charcoaling
efficiencies, be the wood consumption the same?

 I think

The most remarkable technology can be used to harm people. It speaks 
about the merits of the people, not about technology. Man has the 
ability to recover resources that it consumes. It behaves as the Hatter 
and the Hare from the book about Alice Carroll during teas. We must 
restore the forest and not just consume it.
Yury Yudkevich.  charwood at rambler.ru

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