[Stoves] Country by Country Project List?

Erin Rasmussen erin at trmiles.com
Sat Apr 23 14:04:08 CDT 2011

Hi Xavier,

I'm excited by your energy. There's a lot of this information available on
the web, but it would be nice to have it collected - maybe even linked to a
map. A google map linking to the various stoves projects would be a  neat
idea, and perhaps swiftly out-dated but interesting.

Your spreadsheet was fine, but didn't actually outline the data in a way
that would allow one to build a database. 

What type of information would be important to keep track of? 
City, Country, Project Participants, Sponsoring Organizations, Contact
information for the Participants and Sponsors, then there's the information
about the stoves themselves. Do you want to repeat the wheel on a stoves
database? or do you want to simply link to existing information? If you'd
like to build your own database it's good to have pictures, stove name,
stove promoter, designer, funder, project information, stove information,
detailed plans, testing results, notes for comments, updates and emissions
and other testing results.

(The project grows big rather quickly, but help is always appreciated by
pretty much everyone who is already trying to tackle it, including us). 

I think the google maps, or some other map type idea is cool, and relatively
simple to update. You've got to have someone with the motivation to
consistently do it, and a paycheck is a pretty good way to do that. (I guess
there's always fame and glory -- oh sarcasm does NOT work in email). 

If anyone would like to pitch in and help with the stoves web site, or the
associated costs, we're pretty happy to put you to work and or use the money
to defray the cost of the server and the maintenance.


Erin Rasmussen
Stoves List Technical gal and devoted web monkey
erin at trmiles.com

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