[Stoves] Heat / cook stove

ajheggie at gmail.com ajheggie at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 01:13:41 CST 2011

Second attempt to post this.

Stephen Brown reminds me he  initiated a thread, a year ago, about his 
batch pellet burner made from a ss "baine marie" pot and ammo box 
inserted into a traditional, ornamental  wood burner.


This arrangement is near enough identical to the burner used in Kunzel 
25kW pellet stoves, the differences are the ss fire box is more 
substantial than the pot and the air enters via expanded slits, rather 
than holes, to create a swirl, and the fan is induced draught rather than 
pressurising the ammo box.

Stephen has two computer fans, one for heat circulation and one for 
combustion. The control of these is ideal for the little pwm Steve Taylor 
designed and made, I still have a few of these waiting to have a 
capacitor fitted. If you read the blog Stephen is using pellets in 
batches and avoids burning out the char at the end by emptying it back 
onto a fresh charge to run the thing batch sequential. I toyed with a 
similar idea but inverting the container at each fill, unfortunately I 
don't have the sort of metalwork skills some of our stovers have, I'm 
thinking particularly of Lanny Henson.

Stephen mentions a normal run of 1.5 hours for 1.5 litres of pellets. 
Pellets have a bulk density of 600kg/m3 IIRC, dry graded woodchip should 
work but the bulk density is less than 25% this so it would burn out 


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