[Stoves] (stoves) Haitian cooking

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 17:10:43 CDT 2011

Dear Andrew

>So what are the comparative cooking efficiencies for the char compared with
whole wood?

That is the critical question I have been trying to get debated. If the
charcoal is made 'properly' and the level of advancement in stove technology
is equal, there is little between them on a system efficiency basis, save
this: you can produce power with very dry wood in a charcoal kiln during
production. And, (it is a big 'and') the pots are much cleaner with

As the users are preferring to have clean pots over lower costs now, imagine
the uptake if the cost came down with a much more efficient stove?

The likely end result would be a charcoal burning fan stove with packaged
charcoal in pelletized form so it was totally predictable. The charcoal
producers would be in the power generation business (or greenhouses in a
cold country).

Nothing gets off the farm in a raw state.  To be a farmer will be to be
rich! Now there's a different future.


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