[Stoves] Candle powered stove

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 11:53:08 CDT 2011

Dear Maurice


Quite a  bit of work was done by SASOL on wax-fuelled stoves. Ryan Fowler
(Cape Town) did a Masters degree on the subject.


On 23 April 2008 Andrew Parker wrote (here):


Last year I downloaded a Master's Thesis, "The Design of a Wax Burning
Stove," by Ryan Fowler of the U of JHB [UJ]. You may have supplied me with
the reference, but I don't remember for sure.  I was thinking that there is
a wealth of information to be had from mining the old patents for lard
lamps.  They were quite common and some were pretty sophisticated, before
cheap kerosene pushed them out of the market in the mid 1800's.


If petroleum wax has a consistently higher energy to weight ratio than white
gas and alcohol, I wonder if it might not be a strong competitor in the
light camping market?  It would certainly be safer to store and carry



Andrew P.


Ryan's work will be helpful and especially the lard lamp reference is
valuable to you.



Crispin (also working with UJ, but not at the same time - he is long gone)



From: stoves-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org
[mailto:stoves-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org] On Behalf Of MauricePColgan
Sent: September-27-11 8:39 AM
To: stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org
Subject: [Stoves] Candle powered stove


Ten hour candles can heat a multi-fuel stove hot enough to cook in, or on.
It's still in the experimental phase and feedback would be appreciated. 


Please see photos and info by clicking on this non commercial link
http://irelandtoo.blogspot.com . 

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