[Stoves] Stoves Digest, Vol 17, Issue 35

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 12:41:04 CST 2012

Dear Tom and All

Volume 22 No 4: December 2011

has an article referenced that demonstrates that as the heat applied to a
batch of milk increases in intensity, the heat transfer efficiency drops.

It brought to mind an interesting fact that is perhaps not obvious. When
boiling water, there is an optimum temperature for the inside of the pot
surface. It is 20 degrees above the local boiling point.

If you heat the pot to a very high temperature the efficiency of heat
conduction to the water drops after passing the optimum rise, going to a
very low value if it gets hot enough.

As the temperature continues to rise, it eventually returns to the
efficiency available at 120 C, but only after a huge increase (of several
hundred degrees).

Just an interesting fact...


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