[Stoves] Fwd: Problems with rats eatign briquettes

George Riegg Gambia icecool at qanet.gm
Wed Aug 7 11:00:39 CDT 2013


We have found that planting alot of Catnip (Nepeta Cateraria) around the compound attracts cats - ergo rats learn THAT and tend to stay away. You also will be producing your own biomass as it grows rather vigorously.

George from the jungle
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Richard Stanley 
  To: Discussion of biomass cooking stoves 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 5:45 AM
  Subject: Re: [Stoves] Fwd: Problems with rats eatign briquettes

  Cute but you know what happens to a briquette when you hit it with an air rifle…Much less the implications o the project in a post war setting such s northern Guatemala…

  On Aug 6, 2013, at 9:02 AM, Ronald Hongsermeier wrote:

  A good air rifle with a night scope and a watchman who can shoot will do wonders.

  probably not to practicable, but there are guys in GB who de-infest ag buildings of rats and pigeons using this method. 

  They're pretty smart so after a while they won't show up.


  ronald von tropenbayern

  On 06.08.2013 17:26, Richard Stanley wrote:

    Hi all,  
    My own suggestions are put wire wool in the briquettes a small amount, as I know the rats will not try to get through that if, used to plug a hole in the hidden corners of the house. other suggestion hanging them on a wire ( as we saw in Huehe / Sta Eulalia  or changing the blend to something rats do not like to eat, which is either neutral or still combustible and in either case does not emit noxious smoke or gasses at elevated temperature. These are just my ideas.I have not ever tested them myself. 

    So for anybody with similar experience, what was/is your solution?  

    Please send to Gustavo Molina  ccyd below directly and  ccy to the rest of us.
    Thanks in advance,

    Richard Stanley


    Begin forwarded message:

    From: "Gustavo Molina" <ambiente at fundacionprogresarguatemala.org>

    Date: August 5, 2013 8:45:24 AM PDT

    To: "Richard Stanley" <rstanley at legacyfound.org>

    Subject: Problems

    Dear Richard,

    We are having some problems here. Rats are eating our eco-leñas. We are figuring what to do. Rats are always so tricky to handle. Have you heard of clever solutions world wide?


    Gustavo A. Molina
    Project Coordinator
    Environment, Climate Change Agriculture and Eco-leña
    tel. 2332-3659 / cel: 5717-2240
    ambiente at fundacionprogresarguatemala.org


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