[Stoves] Final (?) report on stove camp

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 21:12:14 CDT 2013

Dear Erin


My First Edition Mechanical Engineering Handbook (1916) from McMillian has a section on wire sizes used for telegraphy. Given the specialised nature of their need to hold wires up in the air with wooden poles, the wire sizes are given in units of 'Ohms per ton-mile'.


I think that qualifies as 'non-standard', right?  :) 





I'm delighted to have stove reports in all units, including non-standard ones (if you include some conversion information).  We do need some precision and standards, but conversion between units isn't too difficult as long as we're doing our best to accurately measure in the first place. I'd rather have everyone reporting in the units they are comfortable and confident with, and then doing poor conversions or worse - not reporting in the first place. 


list admin,

Erin Rasmussen

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