[Stoves] How to find this document?

Paul Anderson psanders at ilstu.edu
Sat Aug 10 21:05:52 CDT 2013


The link below does not work for me.   Anyone have a source for this 
>  *
>   * *Energy Access and Biomass Resource Transitions in Malawi Policy
>     Brief*, 2013. Stockholm Environment Institute. (Full text, pdf)
>     <http://washplus.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ed50820bda89f8241498bf4db&id=7c2344b82a&e=33017e2e30>
>     Energy access and associated economic development goals in Malawi
>     are threatened by the tremendous pressure on forest resources,
>     which will require, first and foremost increasing agricultural
>     productivity. Other important measures include use of improved
>     cookstoves and fuel-switching in the household energy sector. 
>     Synergies between expanded biofuels production and reduction in
>     traditional biomass use could be explored through fuel
>     substitution in cooking, heating and lighting for households and
>     small enterprises. Such synergies would promote low-carbon
>     pathways while also improving energy access and stimulating
>     agricultural and rural development.
Paul A.

Paul S. Anderson, PhD  aka "Dr TLUD"
Email:  psanders at ilstu.edu   Skype: paultlud  Phone: +1-309-452-7072
Website:  www.drtlud.com

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