[Stoves] Grass Gasification - grass tablet biochar -- Please send pictures

revjcsd at juno.com revjcsd at juno.com
Sat Aug 24 16:24:11 CDT 2013


Please send pictures of your set-up and grass tablet biochar.

Thank you.


I easily run a fan assisted TLUD that is loaded with grass tablets to make wonderful grass biochar.  The best tablets are made from a mix of field grasses that include golden rod and milk weed as their saps make for good binders.   

The tablets are about 4 cm in diameter.  I break the tablets into pieces about 5 to 10 mm in height.  I am now using tablets that are three or 4 years old!

I fill a reactor can that is about 15.5 cm in diameter by 19 cm tall, a 3 lbs Costco coffee can, about 3/4 full.  In the beginning, quite a bit of fan power is required, but after that the fan can be turned down.

Of course I can also cook over the burning gases as the grass tablets are converted to charcoal.  Note: grass makes for an ashy charcoal.  This is to be expected as grass has high ash content relative to wood.

Note: I find that grass tablet biochar, soaked in cold water, makes a great treatment for burns.  I simple form the soft wet charcoal disc over the burn.  I find the pain is usually gone in less than 45 minutes, even with a blistering second degree burn.

I can send pictures of my set up and the resulting grass tablet biochar if you  like.



Please note: message attached

From: Jonathan P Gill <jg45 at icloud.com>
To: Discussion of biomass cooking stoves <stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org>
Cc: janitha chandimal <janithjc at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Stoves] Grass Gasification - grass tablet biochar
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 14:39:26 -0400

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