[Stoves] Swan-stove, HoleyRoket stove, JED Guinto

revjcsd at juno.com revjcsd at juno.com
Sat Aug 31 04:41:30 CDT 2013


I lift a rather lengthy section from your report, and paste it below. 

Have there been any tests to quantify the claim of a "very efficient and clean" burn from the single barrel TLUD + HoleyRoket stove?


[Begin quote:]
6.13.1. Mr . Booh Holey Roket Stove. 

The strength of the stove lies in four operating mechanisms. 

First, the clay sawdust mix greatly improves the insulating property of 
the stove. After firing, the saw dust inside the mixture is burned thus 
creating a void space that delays the heat transfer. 

Second, the long fuel shelf focuses the reflected heat from 
the fire chamber thus pre heating the incoming air and the fuel. 

Third, the tall fire chamber creates a strong draft effect thus pulls in fresh air without the need for external energy. 

Fourth, primary air is pulled in at the fuel shelf while secondary air is pulled in by the fire chamber. The combination of these provides the 
right amount of fuel to air ratio thus creating a clean burn of both the 
fuel and pyrolized gases. 

6.13.2. Single Barrel Holey Roket Stove. This model is the raw version of Mr. Booh. I can produce three times more of this raw stove without the artworks and without the anxiety that the walls will break because of the uneven thickness. Results of Tests. The stove burned just as well compared to the Mr. Booh Roket Stove. I even think that it will be more durable because of the regular thickness of its wall. I went further to light the fire from the top in the same manner as the Top Lit Updraft Stove of Mr. Anderson and it burns very clean and strong. On the average, I would only consume four (4) pieces of wood sticks for every cooking session compared to seven pieces in an open three stove. Their limitation however is the accumulation of the ash while cooking and more so with the use of the holey briquettes. Because of the small fire box, the accumulated ash would block the air passage after two loads of cooking. One remedy is to fix a hole at the side of the burner. But still this hole requires scraping the ash sideways which is not very ergonomical. 

I also tested raw and unfired clay stoves. And it worked just as well. However, the stove is not very durable and breaks very easily with frequent movement.

6.13.3. Insights. The single barrel stove presents a very cheap solution to poor families in the difficult areas. It can be built with a low level of fabrication skills and it can be fired with almost any kind of agricultural wastes. It burns very efficient and clean.

[End quote]
---------- Original Message ----------
From: "revjcsd at juno.com" <revjcsd at juno.com>
To: stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org
Subject: Re: [Stoves] Swan-stove
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 04:41:02 GMT

p. 37
The Stoves Prototype Development Project 2010 to 2011
Joshua B. Guinto Specialist, Sustainable Village Technologies


---------- Original Message ----------
From: "mtrevor" <mtrevor at ntamar.net>
To: "Discussion of biomass cooking stoves" <stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org>
Subject: Re: [Stoves] Swan-stove
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 09:39:24 +1200

Looks like one of Jed's stoves and he is on list

From: "Crispin Pemberton-Pigott" <crispinpigott at gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 7:32 AM
To: "'Discussion of biomass cooking stoves'" 
<stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org>
Subject: [Stoves] Swan-stove

> Dear Friends
> Whose stove is this?
> Are they connected to this group?
> Thanks
> Crispin

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