[Stoves] [Ethos] presentations from the ETHOS meeting

Tom Miles tmiles at trmiles.com
Wed Jan 30 16:05:03 CST 2013



This has to be a new record. Thanks Ben! 




From: ethos-bounces at vrac.iastate.edu [mailto:ethos-bounces at vrac.iastate.edu]
On Behalf Of Bryden, Kenneth [M E]
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 2:03 PM
To: Discussion of biomass cooking stoves; ETHOS - Listserve
Subject: [Ethos] presentations from the ETHOS meeting




Thanks to everyone for the great ETHOS meeting last weekend. I'm always
impressed with the new ideas and the great conversation focused around
energy and the poor.


(Thanks to Ben Sloan!) the presentations are posted on the ETHOS website at


Also mark you calendars for ETHOS 2014. We'll be meeting in Seattle WA on-
January 24 - 26, 2014 to continue the conversation.


Keep on stovin'


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