[Stoves] wheat husk pellets

Jock Gill jg45 at icloud.com
Mon Jun 10 07:14:13 CDT 2013

Economics is only part of the story.  When, if, we decide that taking carbon out of the atmosphere is mission critical, then we will also develop the education, policies, and subsides that will make the pyrolysis of biomass an attractive and compelling option.  Until then, it will be darn tough sledding for pyrolytic solutions.

Jock Gill
P.O. Box 3
Peacham,  VT 05862

Cell: (617) 449-8111

:> Extract CO2 from the atmosphere! <:

Sent from my iPad

On Jun 10, 2013, at 8:01 AM, Crispin Pemberton-Pigott <crispinpigott at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Paul O
> The reason is economics. 
> China is showing at the moment that the maximum radius that is viable to transport pellets/briquettes is 150 km. 
> $76 a ton is cheap by Canadian standards but far higher than the price of coal per delivered MJ. 
> Agri-waste pellets are a nice fuel provided they have been prepared properly. 
> If the value of char is 'always there' it is quite possible the economic equation will change with the introduction of gasifiers, however the same energy production rate will increase the demand for transport and raw husk supply. 
> You know all this. How about giving us an equation or spreadsheet that includes the whole value chain?
> Stovers could plug in their local costs and make a comparison between options. In at least some circumstances the gasification route would be the most viable. 
> The UK buys wood pellets from Canada to burn in power stations, but that is subsidised by pensions grannies and the working poor. 
> Regards
> Crispin
> From BB9900
> -/

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