[Stoves] Between PM 2.5 and PM 10

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at gmail.com
Mon Jun 10 11:54:40 CDT 2013

Dear Jonathan


>Even with the most cursory experience, it is very clear that a TLUD with a variable speed fan will have a power range. The turn down from full on is reasonable, if not as great as a modern gas stove in the privileged world.

Agreed! Now, to get people to produce those in quantity and at a price people are willing to pay. A non-TLUD stove with a fan has the same range of power. A chimney stove can approach that level of variability but it is harder to control.


Most TLUD’s are ND and cannot achieve a sustained variation in power – let’s say 4:1. It is a significant drawback if the cook wants a 6:1 turndown ratio. I can’t make them want to use more power all the time. 





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