[Stoves] a way of making multi sausaged in a batch fed press

Richard Stanley rstanley at legacyfound.org
Sun Oct 27 11:21:15 CDT 2013

There are several types of batch fed presses out on line now, ranging  from our old mini Bryant workhorse after the late Dr Ben Bryant, to Lee  to Sanu Kaji's metal version to Marcel Wesdijks single lever version in Malawi, based on Francis Oloos earier design in Kenya, and the guatemalan adaptation of that, to Bobpetersons hydraulic jack version in Oregon, following on the students design from our own Southern Oregon University both based on the earlier ecol group in florida's hi lift jack and on to Lee Hites /Engineers without borders (Ohio)   more compact version and everyone else who is busy inventing their own better mousetrap press. (google it with a tall cuppa java sometime..)

Paul Anderson and others have been looking at ways to make smaller diameter sausages for their TLUDs and other gassifiers requiring more consistent smaller dia fuels. The char dust folks in Kenya developed a simple modified meat mincer  about the same time as AD Karve and others in India came up with the same idea about the meat mincer. Prof Martinerra in Cuba and an engineer team in HAiti developed hydraulic jack versions well before any of the above but of course they do not show up on our radar due to relative obsurity on our network --or lack of space or language facility to get onboard amidst the relatively rapid and technically focussed pace that this group maintains.

So almost with a certain arrogance, in not mentioning the dozens of others who may be reading this and who may have already madeup somethign similar,  I'm tossing this design out to anyone who might be interested in developing it for making sausages in your existing batch-fed press. It may be completely redundant or not…If you do use it play it forward.If you decide to make and sell it -and of  course support its users- great but share your experience in the process. 

Pressing on --back into Guatemala

 Richard Stanley

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