[Stoves] [biochar] From Cookstoves Webinar "Charcoal Briquette Enterprise Development" on March 5, Register Today!

David G. LeVine dlevine at speakeasy.net
Thu Feb 13 13:05:06 CST 2014

On 02/13/2014 03:32 AM, Otto Formo wrote:
> I am still getting surprised of the narrow sighted focus on char or 
> charcoal as fuel and fuel only.
> The deforestation of Haiti is very much related to charcoal production.
> I  am going to sign up and LISTEN.
> Otto

Consider that some of Haiti's problems are related to overpopulation, 
charcoal production and efficiency.  If the stoves were really 
efficient, the demand for charcoal as fuel would be reduced, if the 
demand for fuel were reduced, deforestation would be reduced, if the 
population were reduced, the demand for fuel would be reduced.

Briquettes would also help, since there is plenty of trash on the 
streets and use of briquettes would reduce demand for other fuels.

Of course, corrupt and inept officials can influence things by limiting 
imports of fuel, but that is hardly limited to Haiti.

Any other ideas?

Dave  8{)

"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the 

Bill Cosby

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