[Stoves] [biochar] From Cookstoves Webinar "Charcoal Briquette Enterprise Development" on March 5, Register Today!
Ronal W. Larson
rongretlarson at comcast.net
Thu Feb 13 17:20:42 CST 2014
Elisa and lists
1. I meant to ask in last note about what may have progressed at your Nairobi meetings - when you are finished.
On Feb 13, 2014, at 2:20 PM, Derby, Elisa <ederby at winrock.org> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Greetings from the Nairobi ISO meetings! You may remember that the entire Winrock/EPA team (John, Elisa, Katie, Michael) was at ETHOS just last month requesting suggestions for future webinars. That said, it's never too late to make such suggestions, and we'd of course be delighted to host a webinar on biochar, as suggested in this thread-- those interested need only contact us, as always, to volunteer for the work involved and plan first steps (moderator at cookstovesandindoorair.org). And I'm quite pleased to see that many of you are planning to attend the "Charcoal Briquette Enterprise Development" webinar on Wednesday, March 5th to hear lessons learned from the Harvest Fuel Initiative's business- and technology-driven partnership approach for scaling up carbonized briquettes as quality, sustainable, and viable alternatives to charcoal in East Africa. Of course no one webinar intends to be all things to all people, but this will be an interesting and enjoyable webinar for one and all stovelisters. We look forward to "seeing" you on March 5th (register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6618910821998340610), and to those of you up for it, planning the biochar webinar together!
> best,
> Elisa
> PS-- other suggestions for webinar topics still/always welcome-- write to us here: moderator at cookstovesandindoorair.org!
> Elisa Derby Senior Program Officer
> Winrock International | www.winrock.org
> office 617.524.0466 | fax 612.233.2394 | e-mail ederby at winrock.org
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