[Stoves] Fwd: FW: Request for Eco-Kalan (Thesis)
keesvermeer at telus.net
Wed Feb 26 17:51:49 CST 2014
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "ravermeer at telus.net" <keesvermeer at telus.net>
To: "Lance Vincent Sese" <lancevincentsese at yahoo.com>, "Zenas Harvey Apal" <zenas_harvey at yahoo.com>, "BEN AGUILAR" <ogameidentity at gmail.com>
Cc: "Rebecca Vermeer" <ravermeer at telus.net>, crispinpigott at gmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 3:50:17 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Stoves] FW: Request for Eco-Kalan (Thesis)
Hello Lance, Zenas & Ben -- Would your group be interested in doing a study on the eco-kalan as an outdoor stove in a field setting such as in Purok San Pedro Beach and Punta Roma, Sagay City, Negros Occidental? This would be the sample of eco-kalan users I would recommend to study as the people there have, on their own accord, requested to have the eco-kalan replace the stoves they had been using. I attach Crispin's suggested tests.
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From: "Crispin Pembert-Pigott" <crispinpigott at outlook.com>
To: "Discussion of biomass cooking stoves" <stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org>
Cc: "zenas harvey" <zenas_harvey at yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 1:26:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Stoves] FW: Request for Eco-Kalan (Thesis)
Dear Rebecca
There are several methods that can be used to rate the performance of stoves used outdoors, whether portable or fixed.
One of the simplest is to conduct a cooking efficiency test based on the fuel mass consumed, its energy content, and the total mass of the meal prepared. This can be done in the field on large institutional stove or portable ones.
Some metrics of interest to cooks are the rate at which heat flows into the pot per square centimeter (Heat Flow Rate HRF) and the cooking power as experienced by the cook (pot watts). Both are very easy to determine in the field with simple instruments: thermometer and scale plus a watch.
The test you conduct should be designed to provide the answers to the questions you want answered. To do this I suggest (and have suggested) a set of validated testing tools that can be applied in the local circumstances. A new test protocol called the CSI-WBT is available here and might suit your needs in the long term. There is also a SeTAR Thermal Efficiency Test (TET 1.55) which is used to assess the hot stove, high power heat transfer efficiency. It is a reasonable predictor of fuel consumption provided the charcoal remaining is handled correctly. It will also give you the HFR and the cooking power.
And HFR test will also give you the achievable turn down ratio for the stove.
Please post Lance, Ben and Zenas' requests and my reply in its entirety in Stoves List for further discussion. Furthermore, I would like to hear from the group their ideas on a separate set of testing protocols and standards for outdoor cookstoves. In my opinion, current standards for indoor stoves are highly inappropriate and unfair to outdoor stoves.
Warm regards,
Rebecca Arrieta Vermeer
Eco-Kalan Project
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