[Stoves] Report on second day at Ethos

Nolbert Muhumuza muhumuza at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 13:10:28 CST 2014

Thanks a lot for the updates Ron. Sounds mouth-watering!

All the best,


2014-01-27, Ronal W. Larson <rongretlarson at comcast.net>:
> List
>    Ethos’s second day was handled in a different way this year - all plenary
> style  mostly group discussion.  (All meal breaks at 2 hours to encourage
> discussion)
> Two plenaries were at one hour:
>        A.   earthen (very low cost) stoves -  led by Jon and Flip Anderson,
> independent ceramic stove specialists
>        B    How stoves are used -  Elisa Derby of Winrock  (hours per day
> for each type of use and similar)  - How to quantify.
> One at 1.5 hours in afternoon:
>        C    Advantages an disadvantages of centralized vs decentralized
> production.  A general discussion - no conclusions
>    Two hours 3:00-5:00 in watching stove demos. Good weather this year.
>     A.  Rocket type
>         Pancakes at the Jon/Flip Anderson insulated brick stove with large
> griddle.   (had by far the hardest set-up)
>         Cooked rice on nicely done stove with both a well designed (100%)
> skirt arrangement and a “hay box”  (8-9cm thick?)  retained heat cooker”.
> Company: Save80
>         Paul Andreatta with experimental design change to allow longer times
> (10-12 minutes) between fuel handling.
>         Biolite
>              Several others earlier on display (StoveTec, InStove,  Burn -
> but not cooking)
>    B.  TLUD
>    	Another 6-8 lit and in operation. Paul Anderson (2 or 3 ?)
>         Art Donnelly showing latest/new design - concept starts with $3
> paint bucket.
>    	First timer Kirk Harris had three going with different designs, showing
> novel way to get more than 3:1 TDR  (turn down ratio).  Also with and
> without insulation.
>    	Peko Pe
>    	Alexis Belonio had stove to talk about but no rice husk available to
> demonstrate.
>              Apologies for any I’ve missed.
> 		(several others on earlier display;  don’t have all names.  Christa Roth
> had one from Paul Olivier)
> Questions?    (i will try to give some overall impressions and new ideas
> later today)
> Ron

Nolbert Muhumuza

President & Chief Operations Officer
Awamu Biomass Energy Ltd.
P.O. Box 40127, Nakawa
Kampala - Uganda.

Mobile: +256-776-346724
Skype: nolbertm

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