[Stoves] Thai solid fuel combustor

Ronal W. Larson rongretlarson at comcast.net
Wed Oct 7 17:30:15 CDT 2015


1.  For those of us who have to admit to some pyromania, I just found that the words “girandola” and “Thai” are important if you want to see more.  Dozens of youtube videos, with this one
for the same event but  a little text.  But lots more videos - some showing a dozen launches - often with failures.  All apparently bamboo packed with black powder.

2.  A question for anyone is how we can get that Thai engineering talent (going back centuries for girandolas and other fireworks/rockets) involved with improved stoves.  These Thai videos have as much pageantry as rocketry - missing at all stove events I have been at.

3.  There is an annual US event put on by a group called PGI (Pyrotechnics Guild International).  Second week of August in LaPorte Indiana in 2016.  Maybe someone can figure out how to add stoves to their competition.  Maybe we can add some black powder to the feed.


On Oct 7, 2015, at 2:06 PM, Crispin Pemberton-Pigott <crispinpigott at outlook.com> wrote:

> Dear Friends
> This Thai solid fuel combustor is not going to win any emissions contest but I give them an A for effort. Notice how they induce a significant rotation of the flames early to provide stability.
> You can do this at home, just not near my home:
> https://www.youtube.com/embed/pD_yQZ4iNjY?rel=0
> Regards
> Crispin
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