[Stoves] First day (Friday) report on ETHOS

Ronal W. Larson rongretlarson at comcast.net
Sat Jan 30 00:58:09 CST 2016


A.   The events started at about 4:00 PM with Christa Roth and Dale Andreatta giving their traditional introductory background (called Stoves 101).  Slowly builds audience from 30 or so.  (ETHOS chair Elisa Derby said that preregistration was 120)

B.   Break for dinner.  Probably up to 80 or so.  Buffet (great) prepared by Dean Still’s wife (again).

C.  Individual short presentations (mostly 5-10 minutes each);  moderator Paul Anderson  (Apologies for likely name mis-spellings below)

	1.  Francesco Lombardi: (Italy) Mostly on testing.  Rockets.

	2.   Amy Wickham:  Zimbabwe UNICEF staffer (accent sounded British);  largely focussed on children and climate change education

	3.   Arnold Oliphant:   Background in Native American fire starting and use of a Dakota Fire Pit; from California; described his two can TLUD

	4.  Christal  Cheong:  (Malawi)   Described acronym CLEANER - cooking Malawi ;  major national program  2 million stove target for 2020 with 2016 roadmap launch.   (also will talk Sunday)

	5.  Paul Anderson; TLUD history coming in a week (maybe at drtlud.com/tlud-history);  also described programs ESMAP (World Bank) and GACC;  see (maybe?) openknowledge.worldbank.org;  emphasis on biochar.  Talk to come Saturday on 10 present activities.

	6.  David Lello  (Capetown)  Interesting statistics on energy use in Africa:  160 Billion kWh cooking by 1 billion people;  subsaharan Africa 860 million eek may 139 Markets noted of $12 billion 40 million tonnes of pellets; biochar mentioned; announced pellet-oriented conference in Netherlands - Oct. 2016  (with Paul Anderson)

	7.  Leon Hussey  (state of Washington?)  organization maybe “Living Soils”,  “Abundant Life”.  Emphasis include farming, some biochar using Kon Tiki
	8.  Pete Schwartz;  Cal Poly Physics;  showed changes in home;  will do biochar;  scheduled talk Sunday

	9.  Dale Andreatta:   (not at all on stoves)  Sanitation hardware of his one design;  Low tech pivot system for sludge.

	10.  Peter and Irene Keller;  company “Aid Africa”, working in Northern Uganda;  six highly insulating bricks  (they float).  Given away because of exceedingly low income levels for target population.  fuel problem because fields are burned (fear of snakes)

	11. Tom Miles - stove list history (he supports gratis);  his work in Indonesia, some background on biochar list (also gratis),  Biochar conference coming up in Corvallis last August, under his leadership.

	12.  Ron Larson;  Kirk Harris couldn’t make meeting;  biochar-policy concern about social science warnings on all biomass (relative to solar); upcoming trip to Nepal to see biochar work of Hans-Peter Schmidt (Kon Tiki,  4X improvement in pumpkin growth);  Yibo (Jackie) from China and WSU;  Aprovecho on central (rather than outside) secondary air and helical spirals.

	13.  Sam Bentson -  follow-on three day possibility at Aprovecho

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