[Stoves] News 24 Jan 2017: Dirty woodstoves cause a health crisis in London

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at outlook.com
Tue Jan 31 08:30:53 CST 2017

Dear Andrew

>At least one thing was right, we have had a few days where the temperature fell below 0C  but I am SW of the "heat island" of London so maybe a little colder then there.

Does the average home still have a solid fuel burning device? My aunt's house has one on each floor.

>Raw coal was banned in "smokeless" zones. Modified solid fuel "smokeless coal" replaced it within these zones.

As you will be aware, the thinking is that there are no smokeless stoves, only smokeless fuels. Interesting, eh?

>In fact "DEFRA" approved wood stoves burning wood fuel within the range of moisture contents specified by the manufacturer are exempt for use in smoke control areas and have been for some time.

I am not familiar with the DEFRA rating. I will endeavour to find out more.

>>– equivalent to pulling 1,000,000
>> diesel powered vehicles off the road, right?

>Is that a statistic you just pulled from the air?

"Eighty-tree per cent of statistics are made up."
	- Bill Mollison

'Nuff said

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