[Stoves] Inyenyeri's business model in Rwanda

Nikhil Desai pienergy2008 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 17:31:36 CDT 2017


I posted on Inyenyeri on 12th September under the subject line Carbon
offsets and charcoal (Re: Crispin on Rwanda). An extract below, quoting
myself (!):

Inyenyeri <https://www.inyenyeri.org/> in Rwanda is another example. They
combine pellet-making in return for their stoves, and the feedstock
suppliers can sell these to urban and peri-urban customers. They won one of
the two advanced ERPA (Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement) under World
Bank-administered Ci-Dev. (Inyenyeri Signs Landmark Deal with World Bank to
Scale Renewable Energy Company in Rwanda
<http://www.newtimes.co.rw/section/read/214095/> The New Times, Kigali 12
June 2017) Another Rwanda company, Del Aqua <http://www.delagua.org/>, is
getting a similar advance for "gasifying" stoves (along with advanced water
filters). With other projects using biodigesters, it seems that pro-poor
energy technology finance is now available for innovative businesses.

Some of these Ci-Dev projects <http://carbon-pulse.com/14911/> is done
under a CDM POA (Program of Activities), which is a promising route.  It is
also encouraging to read that among the donors to Ci-Dev, "The UK is going
to retire any CERs received, while the others use them to meet national
emissions targets." (What a shame, Sweden and Switzerland.)

I can send you that whole post separately; some other impressions of mine
on Rwanda tree resource were corrected by a friend.

Back over a decade ago, I was the first to request GEF funds for "improved
biomass stoves" in on a combined "renewable energy" and "energy efficiency"
themes anywhere. I think the request was approved, but I didn't continue to
work there.


On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 3:30 PM, Cookswell Jikos <cookswelljikos at gmail.com>

> Very interesting! Thanks for sharing. This bit below especially caught my
> interest. Can you elaborate more on how this system works? Any type of
> wood? wet/dry etc? Do they have some type of long term forestry component
> in the project as well do you know?
> ''Remarkably, Inyenyeri has come up with the way to serve even the
> poorest of the rural poor, who have no money and gather their own
> wood. “We’ve all seen the pictures of kids and women carrying bundles of
> sticks and branches, wasting too many hours each week gathering cooking
> fuel for a three-stone fire,” he says.
> Not wanting to leave them out, Inyenyeri came up with a barter system
> under which rural household provide the company with wood, the raw material
> for its pellets. In return, they get stoves and pellets. These cashless
> customers only have to collect about half as much wood as they used to
> because the stove-pellet combination is so much more efficient than open
> fires, according to Reynolds.;;
> *Cookswell Jikos*
> www.cookswell.co.ke
> www.facebook.com/CookswellJikos
> www.kenyacharcoal.blogspot.com
> Mobile: +254 700 380 009
> Mobile: +254 700 905 913
> P.O. Box 1433, Nairobi 00606, Kenya
> Save trees - think twice before printing.
> On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 9:08 PM, Marc Gunther <marc.gunther at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Perhaps of interest to this group
>> [image: Preview image]
>> <https://nonprofitchronicles.com/2017/10/17/inyenyeri-a-bold-plan-for-clean-cookstoves/>
>> Inyenyeri: A bold plan for clean cookstoves
>> <https://nonprofitchronicles.com/2017/10/17/inyenyeri-a-bold-plan-for-clean-cookstoves/>
>> Thousands of words, including many on this blog,  have been written about
>> the so-called clean cookstove sector.
>> <https://nonprofitchronicles.com/2017/10/17/inyenyeri-a-bold-plan-for-clean-cookstoves/>
>> nonprofitchronicles.com
>> <https://nonprofitchronicles.com/2017/10/17/inyenyeri-a-bold-plan-for-clean-cookstoves/> [image:
>> Mixmax] <https://mixmax.com/r/NGLhji5CBMBBrbE9b>
>> Marc Gunther
>> Reporter
>> M  240-441-2204   <240-441-2204>W  nonprofitchronicles.com
>> <http://nonprofitchronicles.com/>
>> <https://twitter.com/MarcGunther>
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