[Stoves] The Economist: Wood-burning stoves, the picturesque polluters

Nikhil Desai pienergy2008 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 09:15:36 CDT 2018

This suggests a way forward - taxing wood stoves.  Wood-burners must "go
back out of fashion", meaning if not stoves, the people in whose name.



Earlier this year ministers also suggested that new stoves should face much
stricter limits on emissions. Yet even the stoves that pass this new
standard, labelled as eco-friendly, emit three times more particles per
hour than a lorry. An article in the *British Medical Journal* called for a
“polluter-pays” tax on new stoves, to equal the associated health costs,
which it put at £889 ($1,150) per stove each year in inner London.

The biggest problem is enforcing the rules in the smoke-control zones, such
as central London. In theory, residents who use non-compliant stoves or
burn the wrong fuel face a £1,000 fine. But unclear guidelines and local
authorities’ weak powers of enforcement mean that compliance is largely
voluntary. The black smoke will continue to waft from the chimneys of
well-to-do homes until wood-burners go back out of fashion.
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