[Stoves] [biochar] Re: Design Improvements for Top-Lit UpDraft Biochar-Producing Gasifier Stove in Rural Kenya from the Users' Perspective

Anderson, Paul psanders at ilstu.edu
Thu Dec 13 08:41:13 CST 2018


I am not seeing the "report above".   "Making 10 - 15 gallons" of biochar in 30 - 45 minutes" seems like quite a bit.   I am interested in understanding.   Maybe other readers can assist.

I am sending this ALSO to the Stoves Listserv because it is both TLUD stove usage and biochar in quantity.   Are you subscribed to the Stoves Listserv?

Would you please tell us more about yourself.   Kenya work?    Now where in USA?   Coming to ETHOS 2019 or not?


Doc / Dr TLUD / Paul S. Anderson, PhD
Exec. Dir. of Juntos Energy Solutions NFP
Email:  psanders at ilstu.edu<mailto:psanders at ilstu.edu>       Skype:   paultlud
Phone:  Office: 309-452-7072    Mobile: 309-531-4434
Website:   www.drtlud.com<http://www.drtlud.com>

From: biochar at yahoogroups.com <biochar at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 11:51 PM
To: biochar at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biochar] Re: Design Improvements for Top-Lit UpDraft Biochar-Producing Gasifier Stove in Rural Kenya from the Users' Perspective

  It seems like news ideas are needed rather than the basic TLUD to answer the needs suggested in the report above.  The second link I provided shows a forced air system seems like it might provide the longer cooking times as well as the need for more bio char production as listed in the Kenya Summary.  It works both as a forced air system to make 10 -15 gallons of biochar every 30-45 minutes (Plus it melts Aluminum and copper) or it can be passive system used for longer boiling and cooking periods of 4 hours or more.

From: biochar at yahoogroups.com<mailto:biochar at yahoogroups.com> <biochar at yahoogroups.com<mailto:biochar at yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of awingle at hotmail.com<mailto:awingle at hotmail.com> [biochar] <biochar at yahoogroups.com<mailto:biochar at yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2018 4:45:08 AM
To: biochar at yahoogroups.com<mailto:biochar at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [biochar] Re: Design Improvements for Top-Lit UpDraft Biochar-Producing Gasifier Stove in Rural Kenya from the Users' Perspective

Wow, it's an honor to get a reply from you, Paul. I currently live in the USA. My stove are mostly designed for cooking, though I've been so focused on getting a blue and very clean burn I haven't used many of my designs for actual cooking yet. I believe I have 2 very unique designs that really work up and I only posted here to hopefully get them some attention and give inspiration to others.


This stove burns exactly this clean after just a couple minutes continuously until a very clean biochar is finished. During the day the flames are often invisible. Basically it is one trash can inside of another with a large stainless steel pot that acts similar to a gas wick, except it has small vents in the bottom to allow pre mixed wood gas and 0xygen to be released from the pyrolysis chamber and then combust in this secondary chamber. The Secondary air is delivered from between the two trash cans and then through the top of the inner trash can lid and is then forced to rotate downward into the pyrolysis chamber gasses. So the air and gas mix in the first chamber before igniting in the second visible chamber. It cost $80 for me to build this and an hour of labor.


This stove was inspired by Alex English using a cyclone to imitate his very innovative Venturi and his very easy pyrolysis chamber methods. It is natural draft, but it burns like a torch. It's my latest conquest, but surely it is not perfected. It costs me $16 to make and 10 minutes of labor.

Thank you so much for showing interest in my work! You came along just as I was losing my faith that anyone would care about my designs. Keep up the good work, Doctor TLUD!
Posted by: A J <awingle at hotmail.com<mailto:awingle at hotmail.com>>
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