[Stoves] TLUD promoter in Warsaw

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at outlook.com
Wed Dec 19 12:55:57 CST 2018

Dear Friends

I have to admire Wojciech Treter and his willingness to just "pitch in to help", on his own, and with enthusiasm.  Here he is teaching people to light their stoves using a TLUD approach:


The graphics are decent too.  He has side by side demonstrations.

I wrote describing the new TLUD ignition method developed in Tajikistan which will work with all fuels: dig a hole in the centre and stack ignition material (kindling) vertically in the top few inches of the fuel. When it burns out first, it creates a vertical hole in the middle into which the upper fuel collapses. This causes the fire to develop "sideways" into the fuel load.

He tried it and reports that the method uses less than half the amount of wood, and lights completely without smoke.

You can communicate with him<mailto:Wojciech%20Treter%20%3cwojciechtreter at gmail.com%3e> using Google or Bing Translate.

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