[Stoves] View: Climate Talks Bypass the Poorest, Who Endure Polluted Homes

Nikhil Desai pienergy2008 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 11:03:23 CST 2018

Now it is established that the “clean energy”, “sustainable energy” circus
is the main show for rich elite’s climate change cult, and the poor are
puppets and “curiosities of nature” in the sideshow.

Remember Kirk Smith - "If one is going to put carbon in the atmosphere
anyway, CO2 is the least harmful option from both climate and health
viewpoints." (2000).

Climate Talks Bypass the Poorest, Who Endure Polluted Homes
PassBlue 18 December 2018

"“Although improved cookstoves help everyone — they lower emissions, cut
firewood use and reduce forest degradation — the uptake of such stoves has
been slow,” two Duke University experts wrote
 in a study for the Brookings Institution. The study, by Lauren Masatsugu
and Subhrendu Pattanayak, suggests that carbon financing may be used to
improve clean cookstoves for homes where there will never be electricity
and bring new money to the suppliers of these stoves.

Carbon pricing to deal with the causes and effects of climate change, while
used to improve the lives of poor families, is a contentious issue,
however, including in the framework of the Paris agreement. Further
discussion on using market forces to help reducing emissions within the COP
has been put off for a year."

Then again, the GACC fiasco and such expert class from Duke/Brookings are
interested only in cooking their own imperial dinners. Or have them cooked
by the wretched of the earth. Poverty is such a luxury of the rich.

Nikhil Desai
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