[Stoves] SUBSIDY for new CO2e emissions tops US$150 per ton

Kirk H. gkharris316 at comcast.net
Sun May 26 22:04:41 CDT 2019


Start your own discussion list; restrict it as you will.

I was thinking the same of those who promote fossil fuels on a biomass cooking stoves list.

>How about helping promote biofuels so they can take over their share of the load, 

Biofuels are defined how, exactly?  How old can a biofuel be and qualify on your list?

Biomass fuels cannot be old enough to be fossil fuels.  This is not my list, but I can contribute.  Please do not try to distract attention away from biomass fuel and stove development.

>…instead of writing biofuels off and promoting fossil fuels.  

Nikhil did no such thing.  Don’t invent text in the pens of others.

Yes, he did.  

>Perhaps you really should be on a fossil fuels list, promoting biofuels.  

There is no “fossil fuels” list nor any need of one.  We are not here to “promote biofuels”.  

True, no fossil fuels list is needed, because fossil fuels are already well developed.  We do need a biomass stoves list which focuses on biomass fuels rather than fossil fuels.  We also are not here to “promote fossil fuels”.

Biomass gasification can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while providing a renewable source of energy.  We can do that on a small scale with stoves or on a larger scale with power plants.  Fossil fuels cannot do this.

One of the greatest tragedies in Earthly environment is the on-going vast destruction of the jungles in Malaysia and Indonesia to create “biofuel plantations” to create biodiesel to meet the EU’s minimum % content for biodiesel. It is an insane plan with terrible consequences. 

Please reread my contributions.  At no point do I promote cutting down jungles in Malaysia.
What I promote is using brush (help mitigate wild fires), agricultural waste (instead of burning it in piles), and farming fuels (like switch and Napier grass which can also improve marginal soils).

The greatest “success” of this new form of biofuel is the extraordinary, even unparalleled, has been the destruction of forests and animals because of pressure from “green groups” to “save the environment”.  There are some terrible biofuels.

We disagree here.  Fossil fuels do their share of destruction.  For biomass, this problem relates more to foolish or ignorant use than to the overall promise.  Wise and informed choices need to be made here.  Can you use your knowledge to help make wise biomass fuel development choices to help guide us?  Or do you want to waste your and our time focusing on fossil fuels.  Fossil fuels are a fossil, we need better (that would make a better baseball cap inscription than MAGA).  We have progressed in making wise choices on this list with cooking stoves.

Dr. Anderson promotes TLUD gasifiers in ways he considers best.  I like that he shares what he knows freely and binds his tongue when he does not know what he is talking about.

He among others are doing wonderful things.

May we all make progress together.

We might agree here, depending on what you mean by progress.


This is a good discussion, Thank You,

Kirk H.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Crispin Pemberton-Pigott
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2019 5:57 PM
To: Discussion of biomass cooking stoves
Subject: Re: [Stoves] SUBSIDY for new CO2e emissions tops US$150 per ton


Start your own discussion list; restrict it as you will.

>How about helping promote biofuels so they can take over their share of the load, 

Biofuels are defined how, exactly?  How old can a biofuel be and qualify on your list?

>…instead of writing biofuels off and promoting fossil fuels.  

Nikhil did no such thing.  Don’t invent text in the pens of others.

>Perhaps you really should be on a fossil fuels list, promoting biofuels.  

There is no “fossil fuels” list nor any need of one.  We are not here to “promote biofuels”.  

One of the greatest tragedies in Earthly environment is the on-going vast destruction of the jungles in Malaysia and Indonesia to create “biofuel plantations” to create biodiesel to meet the EU’s minimum % content for biodiesel. It is an insane plan with terrible consequences. 

The greatest “success” of this new form of biofuel is the extraordinary, even unparalleled, has been the destruction of forests and animals because of pressure from “green groups” to “save the environment”.  There are some terrible biofuels.

Dr. Anderson promotes TLUD gasifiers in ways he considers best.  I like that he shares what he knows freely and binds his tongue when he does not know what he is talking about.

May we all make progress together.

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