[Stoves] CCF declared open

Nikhil Desai pienergy2008 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 09:01:56 CST 2019


What has changed since 2014 or 2011?

How many are contractors, how many entrepreneurs, and how many policy
makers (law, finance under their control with requisite jurisdiction and
disbursement procedures)?

Who insist that "clean cooking" can only happen with "clean fuels" (who
gets to decide?), "no stacking", and certain emission rate tiers under the
ISO/WHO poppycock?

Something like this should have happened 10 years ago, not the EPA/UNF

I wager between a third and half of the total cooking and heating load
(water, space) in the "developing countries" over the last 30 years - and
roughly all of incremental load (about 100% growth due to population
growth, more and changed food and drink) - was covered by gas and
electricity at home and in institutional/commercial customers.

Time to think of cooking load in totality and in specific contexts of
relative fuel costs and capital costs of new technologies. (Which means
time to get past Berkeley stints of lab testing protocols, single box
modeling, and IHME lies of DALYs..)

Otherwise, poor people will get rich enough and solve their own problems of
food and heating services, which are the prime purposes of energy use, not
satisfying academic fancies of thermodynamic efficiency, pollutant
emissions per minute (then cooking up exposures and murders by
assumptions). I happen to put greater faith in gas and electricity
cross-subsidies than in your favorite stove technologies (which I have a
soft corner for, but I am too old to believe in romances.)

Nikhil Desai
(US +1) 202 568 5831
*Skype: nikhildesai888*

On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 2:11 AM Crispin Pemberton-Pigott <
crispinpigott at outlook.com> wrote:

> Regards
> Crispin
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