[Stoves] ARC E-Newsletter 9.17.20: A Tier 5 Rocket Stove

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at outlook.com
Sun Sep 20 11:12:56 CDT 2020

Dear Sam

The ISO test has the stove operated at high(est), medium and low(est) power and processes the numbers into a result.  I cannot see how the test you report has much use as a rating,

If you are operating a stove at some ideal sweet spot, how can that produce an emission rating of relevance to the ISO voluntary tier values?

It is obvious that for any given stove, a given fuel and operating condition will produce amazing results for emissions.  But that is not the problem to solve. A stove with a firepower of 2.5 kW and an efficiency of 40% is only producing 1 kw of cooking power in the pot.

What is the maximum firepower of that product?


From: Sam Bentson <sbentson at aprovecho.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2020 6:16
To: ALLOTEY ABRAHAM <aaaallotey at yahoo.co.uk>
Cc: Aprovecho Research Center eNewsletter <enewsletter at aprovecho.org>
Subject: Re: ARC E-Newsletter 9.17.20: A Tier 5 Rocket Stove

Dear Abraham,

the results of testing this stove using the water boiling test are shown in our book, “Clean Burning Biomass Cookstoves”. The book also talks about the bottom air technology that is used in the Jet-Flame. We got 11.8 mg/min of PM2.5 when the stove was carefully operated at 2.5 kW. It can make much more at high firepower. Since this stove has a chimney the emissions are directed out of the room.




On Sep 18, 2020, at 12:40 PM, ALLOTEY ABRAHAM <aaaallotey at yahoo.co.uk<mailto:aaaallotey at yahoo.co.uk>> wrote:


On Thursday, 17 September 2020, 18:58:31 GMT-7, Aprovecho Research Center <info at aprovecho.org<mailto:info at aprovecho.org>> wrote:

[E-news from Aprovecho Research Center]<https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aprovecho.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C0d084997b08a40ae0abd08d85c84f7d2%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637361073441405907&sdata=vvn455RhzNC6ptQQH0vTOujF8S2dHvErZMNYH5bBB9o%3D&reserved=0>
A Tier 5 Rocket Stove
[Sam Bentson and David Evitt with the Jet-Flame]
Sam Bentson, ARC Lab Manager, and David Evitt, ASAT COO, developed the Jet-Flame with Shengzhou Stove Manufacturer and Dr. Dan Lieberman and Dr. Mike Barbour at the Gates funded Global Health Labs
The cast iron Jet-Flame sends 30 jets of pre-heated air up into the burning charcoal and wood in an open fire, sand/clay stove, or in a Rocket stove. It is patterned after industrial burners that position jets of primary air underneath the fuel bed to clean up combustion. Both Underfeed Stokers and Fluidized Bed Boilers use primary air that enters the fuel bed from underneath the fire.
[The Jet-Flame]In 2013, with DOE funding, ARC built a bottom-air-only prototype stove and has been experimenting with improving the technique, resulting in the Jet-Flame<https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jet-flame.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C0d084997b08a40ae0abd08d85c84f7d2%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637361073441405907&sdata=XsB8CLAHsnCOWCC5l%2FklQYcrm5Keb9ogB0ftowtPwiI%3D&reserved=0>combustion chamber accessory manufactured by SSM in China. There are several advantages in a bottom-air-only approach. The jets of air flow into the fuel bed from holes in the floor of the combustion chamber. Since the pre-heated air flows vertically, back-drafting out of the fuel door in a Rocket type stove is easier to overcome. The jets of air super-heat the charcoal layer underneath the sticks of wood. The hot jets of air emerge from the charcoal and pierce the laminar flames emitted by the wood creating turbulent eddies that stir up the flames to enhance the speed of mixing and combustion. The turbulent combustion zone creates short, intense flames that burn the fuel more completely before they cool off too much to sustain combustion. The increased velocity of the higher temperature flue gases also improves heat transfer efficiency.

[Sunken pot rocket stove with chimney]When the Winiarski sunken pot Rocket stove with chimney is combined with the Jet-Flame the increase in combustion efficiency results in a truly improved stove with the ability to protect health. Since the stove and chimney do not leak in lab tests the stove does not emit fugitive emissions into the kitchen. The stove achieves all ISO 19867 Tier 5 ratings for both thermal efficiency and emissions of CO and PM2.5.

In 2004, ARC was hired by the Shell Foundation to bring the Rocket stove to India. Protecting health was a component of the project. Unfortunately, the natural draft Rocket stove was not clean enough burning to accomplish the task. Higher temperatures and a lot more mixing were needed. We wish that, when asked for a health protecting stove, we had been this far along. It has taken a while to make some progress.
[test results from vented sunken pot rocket stove with jet-flame]Test results from vented (with chimney) Sunken Pot Rocket stove using Jet-Flame accessory
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Sam Bentson

General Manager
Aprovecho Research Center


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