[Stoves] Recommending a video on the Akha stove and biochar

Ronal Larson rongretlarson at comcast.net
Fri Apr 16 22:14:18 CDT 2021

  Julien anad list

	I bumped into a 2019 video on the Akha stove today that waa new to me.  Longer and much more on biochar than several others - all with the same interviewer.  This is to recommend it - at 


	This version is 22 minutes long. - and good English subtitles.  Has only 3% the viewership of a shorter version - that with no English.

	The main reason I like this version (besides having the translation0 - is the emphasis on biochar coming from the stove.  This stove seems to be success because it produces biochar - and people are now valueing and using the biochar and income.  

Questions for Julien (given credit in the video for its development),

	1.  There is a statement at a bit more than the 19 minute mark that charcoal (maybe biochar?) is imported from India at TK1200 / kg - which seems to be $14./ /kg. (That is $14k/tonne.  Cheap compared to imports from Italy).  Can you confirm - and I wonder the price per tonne at tonne scales - in Bangladesh.  Was this statement in the video to show the monetary importance of biochar from cookstoves?    Any idea what TK value the women might be receiving when selling char from the Akha?.  There was  one interviewee who was a quoted as apparently making big money.

	2.  There was a statement that the char-making efficiency was 15-20%.  This seems low for TLUDs.  Possibly because of the solidity of the design?  I expect 25%.  

	3.   The round small biomass (dung, leaves, chips) fuel balls look like an exceptionally good resource for any TLUD.  Any idea of their price per kilo?  A woman can produce how many kg per hour?

	4.  The poll at the end had plenty of positive reports - but 6 negative.  Any idea why unhappiness for what I thought was excellent?

Anything more to report since you last reported to us?

Any guidance to the rest of us on why the connection to biochar and money-making works so well in Bangladesh?


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